Dude, Where’s My Muse

I totally have been unable to think of something to post about today. I know there’s stuff in the news – including a Italian Commie getting shot at – but nothing is clicking into jokes.
Anyway, you guys are the readers; what kind of stuff do you like me making fun of? Ideas! Give me ideas!

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  1. The Hate Filled Lefty drives a bus full of Syrians to Beirut for a demonstration in SUPPORT of Syria.
    Seriously, I don’t know what to make of Tuesday’s turnout in Lebanon…only ones covering it are the MSM, and we all know–
    we all know.

  2. are you srue you can’t think of anything about Canadians and missle defense? 4 mounties causing a nation to go into grieving. iran and EU negotiations? lebanese protestors that only write banners in english? minature hamsters? i had to deal with the delta voice system for reservations last night and it was just like SarahK’s experiance, for fun and maddness you could call them, i think it’s 800-221-1212

  3. Maybe another In My World, and in it, Buck is going through depression because of the whole Italian communist reporter thing. By depression, I mean that he’s pissed off that she’s still alive. Then maybe he could have some sort of alliance with Rumsfeld to go to Italy to finish the job. Plus, since the reporter works at a communist newspaper, there’ll be plenty of foreigner killin’ to help Buck feel better.

  4. Maybe a creative dialogue about how the draft-dodging fake documents isn’t Dan Rather’s real reason for leaving—it’s actually because he’s 8,000 years old and the computer techs at CBS are trying to make him use a computer. We all know how much old people hate changes at their jobs and computers…and especially computers…did I mention old people hate computers?

  5. You can never have too many contests. Why not help find a good conservative equivalent to “Great Satan” so we can refer to the French properly? (And tick off the Axis of Evil by showing that we know they aren’t really our main enemies.) “Cheese-eating surrender monkeys” just isn’t specific enough, especially since my grassroots effort to popularize “sangria-swilling surrender monkeys” in the wake of Zapatero’s election fizzled.

  6. I heard a story on the radio this morning about a guy who owned a pet chimpanzee. Anyway, this guy–being the nature-luvin’, tree-huggin’ hippie that he is, decides to give ol’ Chimpy to a nature preserve. He brought aforementioned primate to the preserve and presented it with a homemade cupcake as a farewell gift. The other chimps, upon seeing this, grew jealous and proceeded to bite off the hippie’s fingers, toes, ears, and testicles. Now he has to live–sex-free–with the memory of nearly being devoured by nature’s most evil life-form.

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