Frank’s Bible Study Notes

Been busy this week, but I’ll have a political post later today. Also, I’ll soon have another segment of Frank Reads the Bible™. Until then, I think you should know I’ve been going to some real Bible study with SarahK. I thought I’d share my notes with you so you’d see how spiritually enlightened I’m getting.
My Bible Study Notes


  1. You beat a cat with God’s word? I don’t know how to tell you this, Frank, but you just imbued the cat with Godpowers. That’s why presidents take the oath of office on the bible, of course. (People in courtrooms just use the latest issue of Penthouse with a neat book jacket)

  2. I like the part of the hate-filled lefty that it is you dumb for believing in God and me smart!
    That’s perhaps why a lot of lefty aetheists think that people who believe in God are dumb, cause they know better.

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