Fun Trivia

As you descend into a black hole, what happens to you?

You shout, “Aww, crap! I’m descending into a black hole! @#$% me!”
(Source: A Brief History of Time by Stephen Hawking)

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  1. Depends on whose perspective you’re looking at it from–from an observer looking at you descending into a black hole, your descent gets slower and slower, as time is “longer” for the observer than the observed. Lightwaves are stretched into longer and longer wavelengths (into the infrared area of the light spectrum) as they try and escape the black hole’s gravity. Eventually the descender will be crushed by the immense gravity when he is pulled into the center of a black hole, called the “singularity” where even time stops.
    And yes, I really enjoyed my astronomy classes.

  2. “Aww, crap! I’m descending into a black hole! @#$% me!”
    I really have to question whether a person who was being torn apart by a black hole would be feeling all that amorous. I mean, I know some people are real horndogs and all, but it seems to me that being stretched into a long, bloody strand would be a real mood-killer.

  3. Sorry to nitpick, but you can’t descend into a blackhole since once you get there the concept of “up” and “down” are totally sent to the land where Ted Rall makes sense, i.e. cease to exist.

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