Fun Trivia

According to Catholic teachings, how many years in purgatory have I earned from my Frank Reads the Bible™ segments thus far?

47 years. And I’ll add on to that later today.
I’m really going to rack that up if I continue this on into the New Testament…


  1. I was thinking about bouncing this off of you – maybe you could expand this “Frank reads” series by doing Frank reads the Constitution or the Declaration of Independence and possibly make it into a whole educational line of writings! Please keep it up – I can’t wait to read the next installment.

  2. C’mon Frank. You’ve seen the Catholic Teachings. We’ve all earned 10,000 years in purgatory regardless. Nothing you add on here can add to your total.
    Then again, doesn’t the book of revelation say something about a multi-headed creature with the body of a Rabbit, head of a duck, tail of a monkey, language of fish, and pinkytoe of DOOM?
    Or was that the new International Version Michelle Malkin found?

  3. Hey hey hey!
    I could really go for a Frank J. Reads the Constitution series. Printed in pamphlet form to hand out to high school civics students.
    Oh, and don’t you EVER do Frank J. Reads the Koran! Never never never never!
    Death to the infidel.

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