Fun Trivia

Irish last names have a certain characteristic to them. What’s the most Irish name?

Mr. Irish.


  1. There’s a German, Scotsman and Irishman at a bar after work.
    Each has a full pint. 3 flies buzz into the bar and all of a sudden land in each of their beers.
    The German is fuming mad – “No way I drink this! Disgusting!” as he pushes the pint away.
    The Scotsman thinks for a minute, “ach, it ain’t that bad. Ye jist pull oot the wee nipper like this…there ya go, fine as dandy.” and proceeds to take a swig.
    The Irishmen is also mad, he plucks the fly out by its wings, holds it over the pint and yells, “Spit it out ya Bastard, spit it out!!!”

  2. Actually “Drunky” is the most common Irish name, closely followed by “Bar-fighty.”
    As for Kathy Ireland, as Crow T. Robot once observed, “That’ll make your shamrock shake.”

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