Fun Trivia

What the most controversial change to the orgin of Darth Vader that George Lucas is putting in Star Wars Episode III: The Revenge of the Sith?

His black helmet is to conceal the fact he has the head of a monkey.


  1. Frank: I just watched the pirated DVD version! Gotta love NYC street vendors!GW will make two cameo appearances first as the father of Han and attired in a NTMoon T-shirt; second as the Jedi master Obi-san-cowboi wearing the sacred “That’s Right Hippy, Four More Years” ninja cloak.

  2. I served in Mos Eisly and Tatooine with John Kerry.I saw what he did to the Hutts and the Twi’lek slave girls.I saw him rolling in Bantha feces like a child on a Slip N’ Slide.
    He’s dagnasty evil.

  3. Off topic-
    Frank- now that you’ve had some time to have SK at your side(daily), & knowing that you are a cigar smoking (even though they are girlie cigars) Guinness drinking “single guy”, how long before the dazzle rubs off & you ship her back?
    Just wonderin’….

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