Fun Trivia

What is the largest dinosaur?

Ted Kennedy.


  1. Can we put Ted and/or Mikey in a giant vise and render them into petrol? Please? Just think, the US would be totally free from dependence on foreign oil until the next century.

  2. See, Michael Moore isn’t a dinosaur, he’s a land whale. Ted Kennedy is a dinosaur. He’s ancient, should have died out (Why the f^$# is he the Kennedy they decided NOT to assassinate?!) long ago, eats his weight in food daily, drinks his weight in booze every meal, and his ideas are reminiciant of the League of Nations.
    On another note, any kind of League or united nations is bad news. An example of this would be the Justice League. They start out with a good idea: form a group of super heroes to defend the world from terror inspired by horrible super villians like Land Whale or Dr. Doom. Then the appeasement kicks in. Did you know the Justice League actually invited Aquaman to join?! Too many useless people felt they were descriminated against, so they asked Mr. Aqua to join.
    Then, when battling Dr. Doom one day, Superman accidently threw him through an appartment building. Following that…Well, let’s just say the Incredibles wasn’t a work of fiction.

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