Fun Trivia

According to experts, what’s the super most funnest way to die?

Starvation! Hooray!


  1. The U.S. should starve the Guantanamo detainees. It would be in their best interests, of course. Then, when the detainees are feeling euphoric from starvation, they could be fed again. The detainees beg to be starved again so they can experience more euphoria. The interrogators can force feed them until they get information. Everyone wins!

  2. What Morons. I suppose drowning and freezing to death are pleasent too? Good lord, why not starve all death row inmates while they drag out their appeals? Isn’t a lethal injection just cruel and painful compared to the happy carefree feelings of starvation? I am so ready to take back this country by force…

  3. Wannabe holy men used to starve themselves for extended periods of time, toward the end of which, they reported interesting conversations with supernatural beings.
    Sounds interesting.
    I always wanted to have a few words with God that didn’t revolve around my abode for the rest of eternity.

  4. I would think it would be fifty sharks swimming to the shore like on the CBS movie, “Spring Break.” Or it could be freezing to death thanks to Hollywood science on an ice age triggered due to global warming and the evils of the Bush administration.

  5. Funny, try inhaling water and not choking. I bet you can’t do it.
    Unless you’re a vegetable, in which case you don’t aspirate it back out but simply the lungs don’t get the air they need and you die, choking on water.
    But given what the protesters were arrested trying to do, I’m guessing that level of biology wasn’t reached in Bible class.

  6. Why shuck-darn it, Sandy! Ya got it all figgered out, hyuck! We con-suh-vah-tuhves dun’t need nun o’ dat fancy-pants lib’ral edumacation shtuff! Ahll we does is go to Bible skool to hear tuh wurd o’ JEEZUS! Hall-a-joo-ya, y’all hear?

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