Fun Trivia

What was I armed with when I proposed?

My Kel-Tec P-3AT, made locally in Cocoa, Florida – a gun good for all special occasions. A round of .380 pre-fragmented MagSafe ammo (also made in Florida) was in the chamber with four more in the magazine followed by two rounds of FMJ.

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  1. Yep .380 is girly, but I don’t like FMJ’s for personal protection. I’m not going to be shooting walls…
    The KelTec is smalllllllll. Nice when a Glock or 1911 is too conspicuous. Like when you are proposing to a gal who knows guns.

  2. I guess a .380 is ok for a proposal.
    However, experts recommend a hi-cap .45 for divorce discussions.
    Of course, that will never be applicable to Frank and Sarah. Why if they split, it would rend the whole space/time continuum.
    (FYI – That would suck).

  3. Hey for my divorce I wish I had some 16″ naval artillery. (could have taken out the courthouse and the libtard judge,too.
    I’ts good to see these two get together, made in heaven (or the blogosphere … which is close to ?)

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