G.I. Joe Foo’s Middle East Adventure

Today my brother, Joe foo’ the Marine, headed out for Kuwait where he will spend a week before heading to the kind of place in Iraq where it’s a good idea to have some Marines standing by. I’ll have to get in letter writing mode to keep in contact with him, and I’ll keep you updated in general of how he is doing such as the kind of people he’s meeting and if he’s targeting any journalists.
Please keep him in your prayers.


  1. This is only my 2nd post but Ive been reading this for about 3 months (every day). MY sister is a Marine officer, her best friend (a good friend of mine) a Marine officer, my best friend( another Marine), me the non-Marine. I have done the training (not all the way through Im not trying to disregard ir sound out of line) they are the MEN and WOMEN, etc. that allow us to have wha we have. They were there and go back. THANK YOU. THANK YOU. THANK YOU. THANK YOU. I’m glad I can provide the support I can from here, and I’m glad your willing to provide the support you do from whereever you up at. Thank you. God Bless. And WE DO APPRECIATE IT.

  2. Will we get Joe Foo Blogging (by proxy, at least?)
    Is he taking advance orders for which journalists to target? I can’t think of any journalists I want targetted, but I would like to see him punch one of those sabotage insurgents in the neck and call him “Dumbass” in Arabic. Or Farsi. What could be dumber than sabotaging a school construction site?
    Also, will he be somewhere where he can moon a sunni? “We don’t want to vote! Wahh Wahh! The elections were invalid because we didn’t vote! Wahh Wahh!” And he can punch him in the throat too.

  3. We are all praying for Joe the Marine and all of our soldiers in Iraq and foreign lands. We thank you from the bottom of our hearts. Hey Frank, send care packages because he will love them. And write him every week. Call me and I will give you advice.:)

  4. Goodspeed to Joe Foo’ and his mighty tank.
    Does his unit have a website such as the one Walter & Adam’s unit has ? I’d like to see him and his brothers in arms out there, kill’n foreigners and spreading democracy through the Middle East, Genghis Khan-style.

  5. Almighty and most merciful Father, we humbly beseech Thee, of Thy great goodness, to restrain there immoderate rains with which we have had to contend. Grant us fair weather for Battle. Graciously hearken to us as soldiers who call upon Thee, that armed with Thy power, we may advance from victory to victory, and crush the wickedness and oppression of our enemies, and establish Thy justice among men and nations. Amen.
    (George Patton had his chaplain write this prayer, and distributed it to the 3rd Army during the Battle of the Bulge — Christmas of ’44. The weather cleared, and Patton gave the chaplain a medal.) (I like the part about crushing oppression and establishing justice.)

  6. Frank J.,
    In your letter writing campaign, please relate to him that we’re all pulling for him and his comrades and that we’re supporting them 110%! If he’s ever read IMAO he most likely already knows this but as a former member of the military, it’s always good to hear. Kind of like your wife of 10 years (today’s my anniversary!) telling you “I love you.” It’s something you already know but you still need to hear.
    I’m sure I speak for everyone here in saying “Ooh Rah,” “Semper Fi,” and come home safely!

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