Geeky Goodness

In case you, like me, didn’t TIVO the OC the other night, here’s the Star Wars Ep. III Trailer.
Click here to feel the power of the dark side of force.
I loved it when Anakin kicked Obi Wan and said “and THAT’s how we do it in the OC.”
Update: Somebody with waaaaaaaaaaay too much time on their hands documented the trailer frame-by-frame.
Update: Odiwan (you think he likes Star Wars?) sent me this Ep III Trailer Spoof. Heh.


  1. I hear that Lucas has inserted yet more PC evilness into Star Wars Episode 3. According to rumor, he’s changing Dagobah’s name to Italianamericanbah. Dammit, Lucas, quit retconning my childhood!!! >_o

  2. Stop the presses! A Star Wars fan with too much time on his hands? What is this world coming too? And he didn’t even have to do the frame-by-frame description on a Friday night!
    Seriously though, glad the movie is finally here. I’ll be seeing it in the theaters. Its released when, May 19th? I’ll go see it May 21 when the theaters are empty…

  3. I’ve been for the dark side for as long as I can remember. They truly are the more powerful side. Only in attack of the clones do we see Yoda’s powers, and they were weak in comparison. Nope, the “dark side” is the side for me.

  4. The Jedi suck because they ignore emotion. Ooo, feel ANYTHING and it’s “The Dark Side!!!!”. The Sith, according to the various games and books, have a decent enough Code, they just don’t apply it right and get caught up in internal backstabbing.

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