Gratuitous T-Shirt Babe Pic o’ the Day

in celebration of my other blog reaching 200,000 hits today (yay CrankyBeach and Angela, who sent me the screen cap!), i give you the Clueless Blonde with a Gun Pic O’ the Day.



  1. I agree, sarah. It was an ugly thing to say. Here’s something nice for you…
    I think you’re looking like a potential Bond girl there. I’m not really sure about the sheet in the background, but hey–Cute blond with a firearm? What’s not to like?

  2. Two comments:
    1.) Cute coincidence that the banner-ad for is directly adjacent to the picture, so it appears SarahK is looking – quite approvingly, of course – at the headline: “Lock up your Wymyn? NO! Arm Them!”
    Good T-Sirt / Armed Poster-Babe!
    2.) Ford4x4 is right – This pic makes me nervous. Always treat a gun as if it were loaded even if you KNOW it’s not. The last place I’d rest my sidearm is alongside my temple… unless things were really, REALLY desperate! (I’m talking I’ve got only one round left and it’s that or a nekkid-date with Janet Reno. I mean, c’mon. Something THAT big and ugly is going to take a whole magazine!!)
    All I’m sayin’ is be responsible, and above all, be SAFE!! We don’t want to read about your untimely demise in the gun-hating, freedom-hating, hate-hating hatemongers over at that hateful DU, or the Uber-Hatefest DailyKos! 🙂

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