Gratuitous T-Shirt Babe Pic o’ the Day

dude… sweet…
like, i totally don’t know what kind of face i was making here.



  1. What would be really cool next is a t-shirt bearing one of these pictures of Sarah K bearing an IMAO tshirt and bearing arms. Sarah K could model that on the site.
    Maybe IMAO could charge even more for another spin of that t-shirt emblazened with a picture of herself modelling the first tshirt with her picture on it bearing a gun, maybe bearing a =different= kind of gun though. That would activate the part of the brain that signals the “what’s wrong here alert” that is the core thing that makes us laugh, or run away, or fight, OR, among the british, sense the thing they call “irony”.
    I don’t know if a 3rd generation t-shirt would makes sense, since the sarah K in the sub-sub-sub picture would be pretty small, and the text and logo etc even smaller. Maybe on a super-XXXXL size though. I’d buy at least one if the price and terms could be agreed upon. T-shirt purchase agreement negotiations can get pretty intense with increasing complexity of the intellectual property ownership issues and user application requirements. Heck, maybe the solution is to send me one as a sample, for free that is, to save you on the transaction costs.

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