Hot Arab Chicks March For Freedom in Lebanon

Some say that democracy and freedom in the Middle East is impossible, but thanks to the Internet we see just how eye-catching and titilating democracy in the Arab world can be:

In 1776, the men of the thirteen American colonies raised their voices, declared their independence from a foreign tyrant, and took up arms in the cause of freedom. In 2005, the young hotties of Lebanon are casting off their burkas and marching for freedom in the so-called Arab Street.
My prediction is that Lebanon will be free of Syrian rule by the end of the year and the above-pictured women will appear on Howard Stern soon after.
Post your own predictions in “Comments”


  1. You’re all missing the point.
    The Hizbollah counter-protest last week was segregated according to sex.
    The women in these pictures are just tools used by the men protesting… these men are screaming “We want access to our hotties! Look, hotties like these ones!”
    And I say: isn’t that what democracy is all about?

  2. Yeah actually living over here in turban land for some time now and Lebenon is famous for having the best looking babes in the middle east. They are hot and most dont wear the bull**** that comes with being Muslim.

  3. Predictions:
    I predict the side with more cleavage will win. Boobies are more powerful than bombs or bullets.
    Imagine you are 16 year old Ahknahd the potential terrorist. On the one hand you have some old mullah in pajamas with a rag on his head and a 3 ft beard making sure all women are covered from head to toe and telling you that you must blow yourself up in order to get your virgin in heaven. On the other hand, beautiful women with nice boobies sticking out for the world to see are chanting to you “join us and be free.”
    Which hand are you going to follow?
    This one is already over; it’s just the terror-side doesn’t realize it yet. Sadly, that means there will still be death and mayhem.

    The Human Paradigm
    Man is earth’s Choicemaker. Psalm 25:12 He is by nature
    and nature’s God a creature of Choice – and of Criteria.
    Psalm 119:30,173 His unique and definitive characteristic
    is, and of Right ought to be, the natural foundation of
    his environments, institutions, and respectful relations
    to his fellow-man. Thus, he is oriented to a Freedom
    whose roots are in the natural Order of the universe.

  5. That’s nice Frank.
    Except, Lebanon is not an arab country, nor has it ever been. Hence the lack “arab babes”.
    And I think the last muslim or christian (since about 30% of the native lebanese is still christian, those pictures could very well be “christian babes”) to wear a burka in Lebanon was.. well.. never.
    And yes, they’re hot.
    Oh predictions? The same will happen in other arab countries like Iran, North Korea and Texas

  6. Obviously, some intermixing has gone on over the years with turks and arabs, but I’ve heard that native Lebanese are not arabs (got this from someone in the comments section over at LGF). Some recent archaeological evidence links them to the ancient Minoans, which would make them kinda greek. That’s why a lot of them are white.

  7. I could care less if they’re technically “Arabs” or not (I know my Pakistani friend got mad when I made that mistake with him) they’re still in the Middle East and oppressed.
    Seeing them show their goods (so to speak) and protest for their freedom is wonderful.
    I’m no lesbian but all I think the women in the photos I’ve seen are HOT! 🙂 My hubby agrees.

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