If Felons Can Vote, Then I Should Be Able to Carry at Polling Places
An Editorial by Frank J.

 There are a number of restrictions to my conceal carry permit, such as I’m not allowed to carry in a school zone, at a post office, or to a polling place. In those situation, I just have to rely on my mad kung fu skillz. That was somewhat acceptable until I found out that Democrats are now pushing to allow felons to vote.

“If someone is capable of murder, he probably won’t have any compunction about voting for a Democrat.”

 Now, conservatives have been making statement against the effectiveness gun control for a while in the form of “If someone is planning on killing someone, he won’t have any compunction about breaking gun laws.” Democrats must have finally taken that to heart and expanded the logic to “If someone is capable of murder, he probably won’t have any compunction about voting for a Democrat.” Now the DNC see violent offenders as an untapped resource to help push close elections to their side. And it works in more ways than just giving them more votes.

 Think of what the new Democrat ads would be like:

ANNOUNCER: Now that felons have regained the vote, the Democrats want to see as many as possible at your local polling place. Yes, voting around you will be your newly enfranchised friends like these…
On screen appears mug shots of offenders along with their rap sheets.

Talk about voter intimidation.

 It ain’t gonna work on me, bub. I say we lobby for us permit holders to now carry into polling places. Alarmists will worry about me running into the room with two guns blazing, but, while I will have two .45s pointed out in front of me, safeties off, fingers on the triggers, shouting, “I’m voting Republican! And, if any of you have a problem with it, make your move!” I will not be firing any rounds unless someone mistakenly thinks I’m bluffing. Yes, it could end in a violent shootout, but that’s true democracy for you. If you don’t like it, go to some country that doesn’t have democracy and we currently don’t have any immediate plans to invade (I can’t think of any off-hand, but I know there are some).

 So, Democrats, go ahead and get felons the vote. Just expect me to come reasonably prepared… and I don’t just mean having read up on the issues. And, if one of your new voters causes me any trouble, he’ll end up with more holes in him than a punch card ballot.
Frank J. is a syndicated columnist whose columns appear worldwide on IMAO.us and is the author of such books as “Voting with Your Conscience and Your Colt” and “Fluffy Puppy Petey’s Wacky Wahhabism Adventure”.


  1. The fact that the Dems are pushing for this shows how _____ (insert your favorite descriptive for retarded)that party has become! Let’s see they don’t believe in responsibilty or punishment what do they believe in? Oh yeah, butchering unborns and socialism. This sh*t makes me furious! I guess they’ve given up on trying to not look soft on crime.

  2. Actually, the Post Office restriction doesn’t really exist. Usually, if there is a posted sign, it leaves out the text about -for unlawful purposes- or something similar.
    And as for the other places, if you are carrying concealed, who’s gonna know?

  3. frank, you’re a friggin jag. of all the felons i know(my self being one) they’re all republicans, so stfu. republicans and their stereotypes. Now i’m off go go play gangster rap in front of black people so i can look cool.
    P.S. Also, Frank, where has all the funny gone, you’ve been lacking ever since you went to group blog…

  4. Well, if all felons (that you know) are Republicans then maybe you should do something to get the word out to the leftists. They’re the ones insinuating that felons would vote Democrat. Why do I say that? Glad you asked and the answer is simple. Why else would they be pushing for felons to vote? Do you honestly think that the left would be pushing for felons to vote if they believed they (felons) would vote Republican?
    As you’ve pointed out, and I agree, most of the felons (granted I know few) I know do have their head screwed on straight. However, they are being victimized by a political party just as minorities, etc are.
    If you really want to break this, in your opinion, misjudgement, then you should be writing to more influential people than those you find here at IMAO (read: congressmen and representatives). Hell, form a group and get your message out. If a small group of Vietnam Vets can cause upheaval in a Presidential election (read: the Swift Vets) then imagine how powerful a coalition of felons would be. Sorry to say it but I think there are a heck of a lot more felons in this country than there are Swift Boat Vets.
    Just my .02.
    PS – stfu is really not a nice way to talk to the owner of this blog, nor anyone else for that matter. We’re all adults here (or at least we do a good job of acting) so please have a little respect for the person who is providing you this forum.
    PSS – I am in no way, shape, or form affiliated with Frank J., IMAO, the group bloggers, North Korea, the Taliban, democrats, leftists, communists, marxists, or the Heinz corporation.

  5. 1) felons in numerous states are currently allowed to vote.
    2) stealing over $150 is a felony. Thats roughly 1 weeks pay at minimum wage. So the kids who stole my mountain bike off of my front porch 2 years ago were felons 5x over. Should they be punished, yes. should they loose their rights to vote, hell no, that’s just plain old fashioned stupid.
    3) designating non-violent victimless crimes such as drug posession as ‘felonies’ is a political control method intended to specifically remove people who dissent from the status quo from the voting pool.
    4) less than 2% of convicted felons are murderers or rapists.
    5) there is no cure for recto-cranial insertion syndrome, you just have to pull your head out of your ass.

  6. hey, godhelpus …. we’d sure need that help if you got to make some rules. Less than 2% of felons are murderers or rapists? First off, is that one of the “99.999% of all stats are invented a second ago” statistics? And … so what … are you saying we shouldn’t permit murderers to vote … but some guy who JUST embezzled $10 mill … he’s cool? Who gets to decide? are you planning to publish a “too bad to vote, ok to vote” list?
    Oh, by the way, regarding your #1 …. it occurred to me that I read a list some time ago about how many crooks – check-bouncers, influence-peddlers, and the like — we have in congress … so I’d make a bet that EVERY state allows felons to vote … on your behalf … lol

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