Illustrated Guide to Serial Killer Identification

Dennis L. Rader, the infamous BTK serial killer, was recently captured in Kansas, where he will soon be tried, convicted, sentenced, drawn, quartered, shot, stabbed, hung, gassed, electrocuted, and/or forced to listen to the Llama Song on endless loop.
An expert interviewed by New York Newsday said that she wasn’t surprised to find out that Rader was the killer, because he was a married father of two, devout official in his Lutheran congregation, one-time Cub Scout leader, and by-the-book code enforcement officer, and no one would ever have suspected him.
Therefore, he fit the profile and was obviously guilty.
Yeah… I’m confused, too.
Now, I’m sure that many IMAO readers know some upstanding community leaders, and are now asking themselves “Is my neighbor a serial killer? Should I call the police? Should I kill him first and hide his body in a shallow grave?”
The answer is, of course, “yes” to all of the above. So get kill’n.
For those of you who didn’t just get up from your computers to self-defensively murder your neighbors, I present (in the extended entry) this


(click to enlarge on any picture, and exercise caution if you choose to click a link)

PROFILE: Kept to himself except when cruising gay bars for nubile Laotian boys.
CONCLUSION: Social deviant – Not a serial killer.


PROFILE: Lived in an isolated Wisconsin farmhouse that was decorated with furniture made from human skin.
CONCLUSION: Harmless eccentric – Not a serial killer.

PROFILE: Enjoyed dressing up in a clown costume.
CONCLUSION: Worse than a serial killer.

PROFILE: Angry loner who mailed bombs.
CONCLUSION: Who DOESN’T hate the Post Office? I mean, I’ve tried to kill my mailman DOZENS of times – Not a serial killer.

PROFILE: Dimple-cheeked, boy-faced man with a quaint and endearing sense of humor.
CONCLUSION: Obviously a serial killer. SHOOT HIM NOW! SHOOT HIM NOW!

PROFILE: Charming lass with an angelic smile and a heart of gold. Loves fuzzy kittens and guns.
CONCLUSION: Athough her firearms fetish makes her suspicious – and therefore above suspicion – her initials, “SK” prove her “Serial Killerness” beyond all doubt. Definitely a serial killer.

PROFILE: Adorable, fluffy kitty. Some urine stains on head.
CONCLUSION: Was recently photographed serially killing people while wearing a clever disguise:

Not a serial killer.

PROFILE: Arrogant braggart who constantly boasts of murdering hobos.
CONCLUSION: Not a serial killer. Those who can, do. Those who can’t, blog.

PROFILE: Freakish-looking, plastic-faced former black man and current white woman who molests young boys.
CONCLUSION: Should be serially killed.

I hope you found this guide helpful. If you have any questions about people in your life who may be serial killers, please leave them in the comments, or deliver them in person to my isolated Wisconsin farmhouse.


  1. If you find a juvenile serial killer, should you keep him under a citizen’s house arrest until he turns 18? Is it a good idea to then turn him over to the authorities in a state that has the death penalty?

  2. Yes, they caught the bastard. I live in Kansas and was kind of worried he’d start back up. Now that I know he’s a feeble old man, if he tries to go after anyone, he won’t be too hard to take down.
    My neighbors (meaning each one on each side of my house) are both single, elderly women. One is retired and mostly deaf, the other places foreign exchange students in my area. Could either of them be serial killers? A guy who abused one of the exchange students had been evading law enforcement; is he a threat? I should find out how that all turned out…

  3. I don’t know how I feel about that fact that both Dahmer and Gein are natives of my home state, WI.
    by the way: NEVER EVER EVER watch the movie Ed Gein! Terrible terrible movie. As if by being repetitive I make my point even more clear.

  4. One time when I was up late at night and really hungry I killed a box of cereal. Towards the end it was really gruesome cuz I ran out of milk and resorted to using flat Budweiser.

  5. Lessee ..
    I am a divorce father of two..
    Not very religious..
    Was a cub scout, not a leader. (I thought Cubs had den Mothers btw)
    guess I’m not a serial killer.
    Thanks for the funny, I guess I need to get back to the dismemberin!

  6. Littl Stevie – Dan Rather? Well, based on his blatant, chronic detachment from reality combined with the complete lack of esteem in which he’s held by those who know him, I’m gonna go with “pants-wetting escaped mental patient” instead of “serial killer”.
    Jason – my apologies for my sucky unfunniness. Please come to my isolated Wisconsin farmhouse so I can apologize in person 😛

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