Links of the Day

apparently some really … um… bright folks need your help to change Earth’s orbit. i’m fine with the current orbit, but if that’s your thing, maybe you can help. it’ll be jumptastic. or not.
Michelle Malkin is asking the question, how many Americans read political blogs? there are a lot of numbers there, so you should take your CPA with you.
songstress7 wants to replace me as Frank J’s dreamgirl with her cat. step back, songstress!


  1. hmm . . . jump day . . .
    well, aside from the fact that even if they get 600 million people to jump, it won’t work (laws of physics) if it actually did work, the consequences would be disasterous.
    Now, if we could get them all to jump off a cliff . . . then the world might actually be a better place . . .

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