Links of the Day

John Hawkins has his second interview with Michelle Malkin. i like to tease Frank about her (as he remembered her birthday but forgot mine and tends to go on and on about how she modeled his t-shirt for his blogiversary), but i really heart Michelle and bought her book long before Frank did. and even though John didn’t vote for me in the t-shirt babe contest, i heart him too.
also, SarahK has the second installment of the Bad Example Family (& Friends) Reunion up. wow, that girl has storytelling talent. 😉
and basil, always hilarious with Headlines, has a bundle for your reading pleasure…
UPDATE: the evil fake sarahK has photographic evidence of what happened at Frank’s house when the jewelers called Saturday night.


  1. David, whatever you do, don’t go over to mountaineer musings. that girl has a whole category dedicated to things and people she “hearts”. it’s so annoying.
    and HeatherF (and jonag, who i know seconds your request), i left my camera in the car at the reunion because i’m a dummy. there were pictures taken, but i don’t have any.

  2. Hi my name is Greg. I have recorded what many consider to be the new anthem for world peace maxi-single CD. The song has attacted great response worldwide, but as a one man company, I need help. If the blog world can help in anyway to increase aware of this very special project…it would be wonderful. I’m 47 years old and have no desire to be discovered. But I am on a mission to spread the musical message of world peace and it’s important to me to keep our talented youth (students) free from the potential draft. Below is a bit more information.
    Thank You, Greg Jones

    Special! Anthem for Peace CD by Greg Jones to benefit spouses of lost troops through Red Cross as accolades mount worldwide!
    Cleveland, OHIO (USA) March 7, 2005 “WOW’…’BEAUTIFUL’…’ possibly the most important musical message of today’! These are a few of the responses regarding the hot new Maxi-Single CD recording entitled GOD BLESS THE WORLD-WHILE YOU BLESS AMERICA (aka… Not Just America) written, produced and performed by Cleveland, Ohio native GREG JONES.
    With a We are the World ‘feel’, this special release is a unique blend of adult contemporary, easy listening, soul and inspiration combined with a powerful message of peace and harmony. In fact, the special CD was recorded on the same mixing board which was owned by Kenny Rogers and used by Quincy Jones, Michael Jackson and others for the ‘We are the World’ project. A section of the song’s lyrics reads ‘God bless the world…not just America…God Bless the whole wide world…so our kids can live in harmony…God bless the world’!
    The Maxi-Single, released by ORVILLE RECORDS is garnering exciting response through top digital music websites in the U.S, Britain, Finland, Germany and recently entered the Australian Easy Listening Top 100 Music Charts at #8 with a bullet! Also, the anthem entered the UK Soft Rock Top 100 Music Charts at #7 and then climbed to #2!! Orville Records also recently inked a deal with two of the world’s largest web distributors, MusicNet and AMG for additional web distribution through top music sites such as AOL MusicNet, Yahoo Launch, Virgin Digital, FYE Download, MSN Music, ClearChannel, Amazon and others. In addition, GOD BLESS THE WORLD is currently being ‘spotlighted’ on Vitaminics International in Denmark, Netherlands and Sweden. Jones has also been ‘Artist of the Week’ on the ever-popular,world reknown SonicGarden Music site for the past number of weeks !
    Internet radio giant, Live365, the world’s largest network of online radio stations, has signed on and is ‘special featuring’ GOD BLESS THE WORLD through close to 2000 web radio stations worldwide. Commercial radio is fast catching wind of this special release and is next in line while experts are declaring GOD BLESS THE WORLD-While You Bless America a future classic!
    With over 200 unreleased songs under his belt, songwriter Greg Jones explains his inspiration for this special recording. ‘I would turn on the news each day and see how so many world leaders resort to war as a means of settling conflict, as if human life is expendable. It would make me sick. They always say that if you want to see a change you have to do something, whatever you can, even when you’re just one person. I’ve always been inspired by the powerful messages of greats like John Lennon, Bono and Bob Dylan so I did what I could do. I wrote a song.
    Jones selected one of the hottest new studios in Cleveland, Ohio, Ante Up Audio to record this special project. The anthem was co-produced and engineered by old friend Bruce Seifert, who has recorded with Jones in the past, and music tracks performed by Michael Seifert (his son) who further enhanced Jones’ music. Both Bruce and Michael are highly acclaimed Award Winners in the music industry. ‘We go back over 20 years. Michael used to run around Bruce’s studio touching all the knobs on the board when he was like five years old. It was just great working with them again, states Jones.
    Promoting a song of Peace isn’t normally very easy. You have a few folks out here believe it or not who are actually anti-peace. That’s why it is up to those of us who are pro-peace, to do everything we can to promote the musical message of Peace. Some people may feel that a song for peace is corny. But if this musical message can help in any way to bring our troops home…and to stop more troops from going to battle (by way of draft), then we would have accomplished a great mission. The only way this can be done is to have a world of Peace. I’m so very thankful for the response worldwide that the anthem is receiving. It’s exciting how so many people have embraced the song and the message … and the snowball effect has been incredible!’
    ***This is a special release in that a portion of proceeds will go to spouses of lost troops through Red Cross. For more info contact Orville Records via e-mail at or call 216/486-9688.
    For Special CD Offer and please help spread the musical message of Peace!

    # -30- #

    To see more please do Google search…type-in ‘greg jones god bless the world’

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