Links of the Day

David of Guns and Glory has a list of ways to not get shot by the U.S. military (f-bomb warning).
gbfan, who has a great blog in the number one spot on his blogroll, weighs in on the IMAO group blog debate.
Cutter has a step-by-step process for home-making a borelight. looks easier than starting a lawn mower.
finally, Kevin Drum shows us that right-wing bloggers and lefties live in completely different worlds


  1. From gbfan’s commentary: “We spend our time worrying about the inevitable Beatle-like break up that must come when the Blog explodes into super stardom, and wonder who will play the role of Yoko.”
    No offense SarahK, we all like you, but seeing as you are the only female… well I think you can see where this is going. Goes and starts digging self out of hole

  2. We don’t all like her (for the record, the girlfriend and her roommate threw pillows at me for that), but whatever.
    I wanted to put the SarahK = Yoko answer in gbfan’s comments so much, but they appear not to work. Props to humanoverlord for being on the ball with that.

  3. Easier than starting a lawnmower, eh? Grrr. Even one with only 3 wheels?
    Fine. Wad put in lots of pictures in his instructions, not just one. For them that can’t read?
    At least he has the decency to own a GP-100 like mine instead of some puissant “I’m a big bad cowboy” weinie pistol that can only handle (mwhaahahaha)factory ammo (hahahahahahahaha).
    Ok, gbfan, was that abusive enough? I can try harder next time.

  4. gbfan – That was the most intellegent thing I’ve read all day (and that’s saying something since I just came from Kevin Drum’s comments where you aren’t a liberal if you don’t like to hear yourself type – whsheew!). I’d post you, but it still wasn’t working. 🙁

  5. sarak – Thank you from the gun ignorant, I now know what a borelight is (although I thought it was cool just as a light-up bullet).
    Two words – Lawn Tractor! Nothing like cutting God’s 2 acres with our automatic 23 hp, 48″ cut badgrass machine.
    Also…okay it’s girlie – but I love reading old stuff between you and FrankJ. 🙂

  6. checks that link
    Hotchie motchie…
    I always have found it amazing how libs can take any representation of statistics, and blow them out to tremendous proportions.
    “right wing blogs are more tightly interelated” somehow makes them all conformist knuckle-draggers serving Karl Rove.
    What I found hillarious in the comments section on that link though were the constant exchanges like:
    “They just pat each other on the back all the time!”
    “Too true!”
    “You’re absolutely right, we’re all smarter and more individual then they are!”
    The invention of statistics and trends without any data is also intriguing. Such as how supposedly we were all in the football team in high school. 😀
    Frank, admit it, you wrote all those comments as some form of satire, didn’t you? They inspired as much laughter as your work usually does. 🙂

  7. Spook205: They would have been more clear if they’d said:
    “Liberal blogs are sweetness and light. Conservative blogs are a bunch of poopyheads.”
    I was most amused by the Gregory character who claimed conservative blogs focus on “demonizing any dissent” … while demonizing conservative blogs. 🙂

  8. I’ll admit that … outside of scappleface and imao (oops and hog on ice) I stay on the right side of the blogoverse …. but that’s mainly because everytime I pop over to somewhere like Drum’s cymba-clanging … I laugh so hard at the comments that my co-workers get annoyed (even with my office door closed). I thought that the hippie non-conformist thing (all dressing and not bathing alike) died before disco … and here we have this who “way-back machine” thing going on.
    Thanks for the morning laugh, Sarah.

  9. The figure in the Drum article could give you a seizure if you looked at long enough.
    Did anyone notice the German link, Waffen Online, on Cutter’s site? Doesn’t Waffen Online sound a little Third Reichish.

  10. Oddybobo – How to get a link of the day:
    Post a humorous piece about politics/current events – like the ones you see at IMAO, except funny.
    Have a post that makes fun of IMAO or one of the members of the editorial staff.
    Post about really cool guns or explosions. Preferrably ones near dead terrorists.
    Then e-mail the link to

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