Links of the Day

Tyler D. has a 2nd amendment refresher course
Spearshaker has a caption contest going on…
here’s a nifty little shooting game that will make you want to claw your ears off…
been wondering who Blackfive is? he’ll tell ya himself. what? he’s not Karl Rove? 😉
finally, SarahK i has have the next installment of “Hell on Wheels” up over at mountaineer musings.
nighty night, ronin! be honorable…


  1. thank you uzi4u. i kept posting LOTD (Lord of the Dance, spacemonkey, Lord of the Dance), and it kept telling me i had to log in and that it wouldn’t post. and i went and looked, and no, no post. so then when i finally got it to post proper, there were 3.
    you shut up. 🙂

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