Me Smash Group Blog!

Everyone seems to hate that IMAO is now a group blog (except for those who don’t). It’s so visceral, you think the reasons may be personal such as a group blog killed a reader’s father. I thought it would be a good idea to task my crack research team to find exactly what are the reasons the new group blog is so hated, and, luckily, the reasons were ten in number.
10. Too easy to get confused who authored which post leaving me unsure whether to think it’s funny.
9. Now that SarahK can post on IMAO, I just know it’s now going to be about nothing but girl stuff such as boobs.
8. Heart simply can’t take the suspense of waiting for Scott to finally post. [Ed. Note: Why did Scott have to choose today to ruin this joke?]
7. Instead of numerous posts a day, was hoping that IMAO would go the way of Eject! Eject! Eject! and do one really big post every other year.
6. Aquaman’s research before posting is shoddy to non-existent.
5. Since IMAO has become a group blog, there is too much “Frank” and not nearly enough “J.”
4. Cannot fathom any reason to laugh more than once in a single day.
3. I only come here for pictures of cats.
2. First I was supposed to hate monkeys, and now I’m supposed to read the writings of a flying one from space! I’m conflicted!
And the number one reason the IMAO group blog sucks…

Already knew what to say during lap dances.


  1. Not that I would have complainted about the content of a free funny site… but I am getting used to it and Aquaman is gaining a new fan in the process. Opps… was that supposed to happen?

  2. Part of the problem is, Frank is funnier than everybody else. If Frank weren’t so damn funny, the others would suck less in comparison.
    The other thing is that, when it wasn’t a group blog, it had one ‘strain’ of weirdness – one voice, if you will. That weirdness has mutated and the One Voice has become as gibberish to the Lord.
    This is not surprising, as you will see in the Bible from the Tower of Babylon 5 story, where God punishes De’lenn for getting together with a bunch of aliens to build a giant tower by turning the pretty psychic blond chick with the gloves into a lesbian. And, lo, nobody could comprehend their speech in the final season, which is really why it was cancelled (and not becase JMS was sick of writing for it).
    Anyway, Sarahk should be allowed and encouraged to post, with pics, but she should be forced to remove one garment each time she does. Presumably, she will be removing other garments at other times, since that would get kind of stinky otherwise.
    So, to sum up: I’m funnier than anybody else who posts here except Frank J. I was kicked in the head by a lemur as a child. Therefore, this should not be a group blog. QED.
    If Frank J wants to continue to be lazy, he should force everybody else to get their own damn blogs, read those like once a day, and republish the best bits. Or, get someone to republish the best bits under his name, so we don’t know it’s not him. Except, we will, but we’ll pretend not to.

  3. Ok, I’ll give you all that many of the posts don’t seem as funny as what Frank used to post by himself, but thats because were used to Frank’s style, not everyone else’s. That being said, I am beginning to really like some of these new writers, and the fact that they all write here means I dont have to go to all their blogs separately.
    I still haven’t decided whether the increase in “FIRST!” post chances is good or if it dilutes the honor. Anyone got any input on that?

  4. I think the group blog is awesome. I love the duck and harvey. The other bloggers are bueno too so no offense guys. Those two are on the same level as the super hilarious FrankJ in my eyes though. Don’t listen to those who put down the group, do what you want. I think it’s nice to come here and get all kinds of funny in one place which I suppose was the purpose of this whole idea in the first place. It’s working in my eyes so keep up the good work you guys.

  5. #9
    I think, sadly, the opposite is true. Oh sure it will become more and more about girl stuff, but more like
    “Gunpowder, good for your pores too!”
    and the like, rather than boobies, unless it’s about donating to breast cancer research.
    I also noticed you used the polite term “boobs” which women use, rather than any of the terms men use. See? You are really losing it.
    I notice I cannot be funny when things are going well in my life.
    That’s why I just don’t date. Period.
    I suffer for my art, I am just that dedicated.

  6. I like the group. RWD,spacemonkeyand Harvey are my peeps. I even enjoyed Scott’s first posting and Cadet Happy’s pictures are great but (there’s always a but)I still don’t get aquaman. He’s my only complaint. Sorry, I almost forgot to acknowledge SarahK’s contribution. There’s just something magical about chicks with guns. sigh Keep up the good work troops!

  7. Frank is the top funny man,hands down.But I have really enjoyed Harvey,RWD,and SpaceMonkey.No disrespect to the other bloggers at all,but these 3 have really been awesome these past couple weeks.I haven’t laughed so hard,so often,in a long time.Mucho kudos,fellas.

  8. Frank, you made your judgements about the success of the group blogging after only a week of inflated sitemeter stats. But, my friend, isn’t it time to reconsider the evidence? Another week has passed, and your numbers are back down to normal. At the end of this week, you could be below normal.
    What’s wrong with me?

  9. I don’t think it is a lack of funny so much as it is an overdose of funny. The brain cannot intake such high levels of funny in such short periods, thus resulting in a decrease of fun-efficiency. Diminishing returns!

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