Most Addictive Game in the Universe

Can’t stop playing this game!
The rules are kinda hard to understand since they are in broken English, but basically you click on a little green guy to make his backpack fly up into the air. If it lands on the head of another green guy, he falls down and then runs in the opposite direction he was going. To get mucho points, you want to get groups of green guys running back and forth, timing it just right so you keep bopping them on the heads.
I once got over 40,000 points and was in the top ten, but competition is more fierce now. If you play, add “Ronin” to the end of your name so you can be spotted in the recent scores (it’s ruled by NRO fans right now).
Must keep playing until I get the perfect storm and make the top ten!
UPDATE: Top scores have been reset!


  1. You bop one on the head to send him running the other way, then time another backpack to bop him again, sending him running back. Keep doing so so he runs back and forth. Hopefully you get a group of them running back and forth being bopped and you get mucho points!

  2. Nanaca Crash!! is very addictive. I found this game a few weeks ago and I find myself playing it all the time. In fact, I think I found it here but I can’t substantiate that. 🙂 I started out not know how to play it (again, it is in broken Japanese) but I figured it out pretty quickly. It’s much more exciting than the little green men game! My own personal highest score is 7070.38 meters. There are sites out there devoted to this game and the highest I’ve seen so far is 11,000 and change.
    Beware of the games you try out! 🙂 They can be addicting.

  3. In the words of John Cleese:
    “Mash the dirty-rat-scum communists! Kick ’em in the teeth where it hurts! Kill! Kill kill! Kill these bastard communists! I hate ’em I hate ’em I hate ’em! AAAHH!!! Aahh!!”
    “Tea’s ready.”
    “Coming, Dear!”
    … Oh, I hate this game.

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