On the Use of Power

Despite my name, I'm not actually a monkey. Just like Peter Parker’s, ironically dead, uncle Ben said, “With great power comes great responsibility,” or something to that effect. We, like Peter/Spidey, have a responsibility to be responsible with the powerful power we’ve been empowered with so our own uncle Ben isn’t killed in a similarly ironic fashion due to our irresponsible use or lack of use of power.
There’s another saying though. I’m not sure who said it first. Probably some Greek philosopher talking as they were making him drink a poisonous beverage. And it goes, “Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely”.
Taken together, it’s easy to see the powerful have a responsibilty to be corrupt. On top of that, the already corrupt probably need to check to see if there’s some sort of power that they may already have that they may not be aware of somehow that helped them become corrupt in the first place. That would be the responsible thing to do.
So Frank J., being the humor power baron he is, has an obligation nay, dare I say a responsibilty, to use every means within his control to hawk his shirts. and sell his blogads.
That said, its obvious to me now, I’m corrupt too. Powerful? Ironically, no, just corrupt. I checked.
Update: Frank J. since you said you were thinking about a new idea for a tshirt. I had an idea for a new T-shirt and it involves well, see for yourself.

Mini me


  1. If you were wondering, the “power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely” quote is attributed to Lord Acton. The variant “power corrupts, absolute power is actually pretty cool” is sometimes attributed to Bill Gates or Clinton staffers or most anyone generally considered geeky.

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