Open Thread (Just Like On KOS!)

Dan Rather: miss him or diss him?
Like I have to ask, but you have to hand it to him, the man could really read some copy off the ‘prompter. And reading is not something just anybody can do these days. You need at least a first grade education.
But Old Gunga Dan wasn’t bad at adlibbing either. Y’know, cause he could make up some rather (HAH! get it?) funny Ratherisms too.
Sayings like “This election’s close enough to give an aspirin a headache” come to mind from back when he was hopped up on some sort of energy drink during the 2000 election. You may remember some too.
That said, have at him in the comments. And remember if you can’t say something nice at least say something funny.
Update: Hmmm, I guess when the author gives a topic it’s really not an open thread is it? Oh well.
Update2: Fixed the ratherism. Its “give an aspirin a headache” not “make an aspirin nervous”. Sorry for the fake but accurate egregious error.


  1. I think Dan Rather has been dead since 1983. What we’re seeing now is a robot made by the same people who made the Dick Clark and Whoopie Goldberg robots. It’s just getting too hard to find quality replacement parts these days. Union quality my @$$.

  2. I already posted this link in another response but thought I’d throw it in here in case anyone cares. Not really “Ratherisms” but just some quotes over the years that show that he may very well have been replaced by an evil robot! The Media Research Center is good at doing this.
    PS – No, I don’t work for MRC. I just enjoy their work, most of the time anyway.

  3. My favorite Dan Rather bit was an interview on 60 Minutes with Leopold Stokowski (great Bugs Bunny impression of him in that one with the fat opera singer).
    Stokowski: Are you a man of conviction, 100%?
    Rather: 80%, the other 20 being discipline.
    Stokowski, rising and leaving the room: Unacceptable!
    So Dan the man admitted being a sellout years ago. That’s how he got his promotions.

  4. I will always remember Dan’s fair, even-handed lead-ins on the evening news. They usually went something like: “Good evening. Today, President Reagan announced his long-feared slash and burn welfare policy changes, which some believe will lead to skyrocketing infant mortality rates, as well as a return to indentured servitude”. That is a fake but accurate quote, incidentally.

  5. True story.
    Once I was attacked by Dan Rathers eyebrow.
    I was like —
    And the eybrow was like;
    “scratch scratch scratch”.
    So then I went Whoooosh, pulled out my lighter, and said:
    “Back off you big bushy caterpillar!”
    And the eyebrow was all:
    “Make me.” Except it said it in eyebrow language wich I only understand because I had a best friend that was a uni-brow when I was little.
    Then I fell asleep and the eyebrow stole my potato chip sandwich. JERK!!
    I hate Dan Rather and his stupid EYEBROWWWWS!!!

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