Open Thread (Just Like on Kos!)

Talk about what you want here in the comments.
I will mention a topic, though. The Simpsons had been annoying me with getting too political lately, but the episode last night making fun of Commie China was one of their funniest in a long while.
Also, did you catch the Kelsey Grammer Presents: The Sketch Show? I had a feeling that was going to be a disaster, but pretty much every one of their little sketches got a laugh from me. Plus, it had Chloe from 24!
Oh, and the new Star Wars trailer… doesn’t that kick ass! It was certianly worth fast-forwarding through the O.C. on my Tivo to see it. Do think Lucas is just getting our hopes up for the final, ultimate dissapointment?
BTW, for those who think IMAO hasn’t been biblical enough lately, I’ve read some good Bible worth studying. Plus, I have an extra special Bible treat!
Now get discussing!
UPDATE: For American Idol fans, big big news!


  1. Dangit! The first Simpsons I miss in a while, and they make fun of the evil Reds?
    Regarding Star Wars, this one is supposedly 2 hours of fighting, with a little intermission of plot. And lots and lots of death. Considering what we’ve been subjected to the past couple years, I’d say that sound mighty good.

  2. What? IMAO not biblical enough? We’ve got the Book of Frank, Book of SarahK, Book of Harvey, Book of RightWingDuck, Book of SpaceMonkey, Book of Scott, Book of Cadet Happy (so it’s a picture book – big deal) and the Pamphlet of Aquaman. Sounds pretty biblical to me.

  3. Star Wars is for Gay-Bobs.
    I hated it whan it came out in 4th grade. I hated it ten times as much when they re-released it in what was it 95?
    And I should have shot up my elementary school when I was nearly mobbed when I said that Star Wars was for retards.
    Oh how I regret lying and pretending Darth Vader was cool.
    GAY I tell ya.
    I met George Lucas once. I wanted to punch him but his fat little girls were with him.

  4. What do you expect from Matt Groening? He went to Evergreen State University. I heard him speak at a graduation there. Rachel Corrie also went there (Israeli bulldozer accident girl). I work right down the road from that place, and trust me, you can’t go anywhere in this town without running into muckadoos.

  5. The Simpsons jumped the shark c. 2000; they should have quit when Groening left to do Futurama. Now its just a written by committee satire, with no sense of cohesiveness to what the show once was, not to mention the sappy attempts at liberal political positions. The people who do the voices have been mailing it in for years. For a few weeks of recording they get fat paychecks, and Fox milks a cashcow.

  6. They are trying to get Matt Groening to be the commencement speaker at U of O Law next year.
    I loved the episode, and included what I considered the “money quote” on my blog.
    Star Wars peaked with The Empire Strikes Back and has been going more or less downhill since 1980. But hopefully Lucas has gotten enough feedback over the last several years to get his head out of his arse and put together one last good movie. Plus, since this one is all about Anakin becoming Vader, there is a lot of potential.
    Sketch Show: laughed a lot. Very British. I wonder how much creative input the token Brit actor has? Add in a few animations, have an occasional sketch break down with the lead actor saying “no, this is just too silly” and walking off, and it could begin to approach a Pythonesque state.
    Oh, and it needs more boobies.

  7. The problem isn’t that Simpsons is too political, just that it’s too preachy about it lately. I mean, the political humor in the earlier seasons was brilliant. Seriously, did anyone here not love the episode where Sideshow Bob runs for mayor as a Republican?
    Lately it seems the whole atmosphere of the show has just been… not right, and many of the characters personalities seem different. It seems like it would have been a much better move to retire the Simpsons and keep Futurama on the air.
    Interestingly enough, on the season 5 DVD commentary Matt Groening reveals that John Swartzwelder (the man who has written more Simpsons episodes than anyone else) is very politically conservative. Groening himself, as anyone who has read Life in Hell knows, is not so much.

  8. I have a fundraising idea for IMAO … a bible retreat study weekend. We can all drink Jesus juice all weekend and then make double posts. Why not … the NRO crowd is always having their cruises.

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