Open Thread (Just Like on Kos!)

Sound off about the issues you care about… especially those you want covered by IMAO.


  1. These judges can’t say something is “Unconstitutional”. What does that mean? We have the freedom to do whatever we want unless it’s hurting someone else and not a benefit to society which would be rule of law properly voted on. If the Pro-Gay Marriage people can come out a and prove a true benefit to society and that it hurts them if they don’t have it and not be countered by another law saying they are not hurting someone else (especially children and divorce rates which would be abut 90%) then that’s fine. But we all know that that’s not the case.
    By a special interest biased judge saying something is unconstitutional there is no basis for that because anything they deem unconstitutional can be just that: based off of their opinion and not the rule of law banning same sex marriage or anything else.
    This whole “unconstitutional” unconsti-shmuc-ional craze is destroying our country. Especially with taking down crosses and other religious landmarks. That is like Nazi Germany or a dictatorship but probably worse because they are directly smearing the American constitution in this case. What other country is demanding crosses be torn down off of publicly paid for land through taxes. This is a real nanny state not someone telling you you can’t have bad food which no law states a government can’t do. The rule of law MUST be enforced and obeyed and the American government is EVIL right now.
    These liberal ultra radicals are more concerned about someone slightly monitoring food selection in Britain then they are about radicals tearing down crosses in America where there IS a law stating that we have religious freedom. The radicals want total anarchy. That’s true bias. There is no exception to the rule, strings attached, or loophole here. We have Unfettered, unconditional, Religious freedom period! What’s next is they are they going to take Bibles out of public libraries as well as not allow religious attire at work, school or in public areas.

  2. What do I want covered? Hmm…
    1. There are incredibly hot Lebanese women struting there stuff about because we unleashed the arsenal of democracy and other countries are fearful…there has to be something there.
    2. Condi has recently been called “The Queen of War” by the MSM. Such a compliment surely ought to provide some material for you.
    3. Ditto for Condi deciding not to run for President.

  3. I think that you should send a letter to the limey again. . . he was cool-ish. . . it would be interesting to see the new developments that have been happening in his small, pathetic existence. . .

  4. AJ, if you mean a typical gun range by “the white house press room being a crowded fire hazard”, then Frank J. has already covered it. Several times. And as in most gun ranges, only the targets (i.e. paper, cardboard, journalist…) can be considered to be facing hazardous conditions.
    However, I too would like to see more action involving right-wing-nutjobs (like myself) involved in public expression of our most sacred Second Amendment Right to Keep and Bear Arms and Target Left-Wing, Barking-Moonbat-Commies who somehow get press credentials into the White House even though they’ve never made a porn movie, or even had sex for money. Jeesh!
    And I agree with M that “2. Condi has recently been called ‘The Queen of War’ by the MSM”. She should be depicted in all future artwork with a tiarra, scepter, and fully-auto assault weapon of serious caliber.

  5. Seriously guys… fruit pies. I likes ’em!
    Cherry, apple, peach…… BLACKBERRYYYY!!
    I think an article on the long proud history of fruitpies would be great. But only if you include a photo layout. TASTEFUL ok? I’m not some kind of perv.
    Soft light. The steam rising sensuously from the tender-flaky surface. OOOoooo! Maybe a nice pictorial of Cherry and Peach in a pillow fight!
    Yeah, you can’t go wrong with fruitpies.

  6. Spacemonkey,
    That sucks, man. Posting on DKos is one of the brightest parts of my day. I don’t know what I’d do if they blocked me.
    No, wait, I do know what I’d do–I’d re-register with a different name and email address.

  7. Hey if that Rachel Corrie is the chick who got squashed by a dozer, then thats a good one. We need some discussion of just what kind of heavy equipment is best for running over lefties… should we go for speed to run them down or real heavy to squish them REAL flat?

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