Open Thread (Just Like on Kos!)

Your time to talk about what you want discussed and post links until we deem you worthy of more posts. I might even read what you have to say!


  1. Minnesota’s Golden Gopher’s Women are going all the way with Shaq in the middle. (Who the hell came up with a GOPHER for a mascot by the way…they need to be whipped for political correctness run amok many years before it’s time!!!)

  2. You know what really grinds my beans? When you pump $10 into your tank on the way to work because you’re in too much of a hurry to bother filling up, and you run to the register to find some retired guy is trying to figure out how many of which scratch-off lottery tickets he wants to buy. And then it turns out he thinks he’s a character and part of the local color and charm and so forth, so he’s yakking it up. DUDE, IT’S FREAKING RUSH HOUR!

  3. Who cares about college basketball? Northern Michigan just advanced to round 2 of the CCHA playoffs! WILDCAT HOCKEY, BABY! Those east coast teams had better watch out. MAINE. And UMASS LOWELL. And BOSTON.
    Oh and uh, you should drink, uh, ICE WATER.

  4. You know what grinds my beans Dan? When I stop and put $10 worth of gas in my car cause I’m late and the $10 DOESN’T GET ME ALL THE WAY TO WORK!
    And I know the scratch off dude. Like he was vaccinated with a phonograph needle and could talk the ears off a dead man.

  5. See, and that’s what’s fun about liberals: either this mook was too cowardly to put a name to his post, or too stupid to figure out how to post his name. Either way, he’s more interested in trying to look intelligent by putting others down than he is in engaging in debate. :o)

  6. Here are some topics for you:
    -The abomination that is the WNBA
    -What can we find in Michael Moores toilet today?
    -Has Hillary Clinton been linked to any serial killings yet?
    -Why Diet Coke tastes like liquid ear wax?
    -Favorite Gay Congressman
    -Kiling your boss for fun and profit.
    -Why the Idaho Potato People are pissing on your toilet seat.
    -The Star Wars Holiday Special: Who’s responsible, and how do we kill them!
    -Giving up on sanity because it’s just too boring
    …and the final topic.
    -Bubbles the chimp: will he testify against Jacko?

  7. “Put on what you think is a liberal costume, appropriate some liberal slogans and voila! You’re a liberal – or a sick caricature of one, like something out of the pages of an Ann Coulter book.”
    Hey — check out Clemson, and Andrew’s post and link. Heh. Where do these kids get the NERVE? The sheer gall. Why, when I was a kid, I’d never have thought — wait…Nah. Never. Way to go Andrew. You’ve recaptured the spirit of the 60’s — it just took me a minute to recognize it!

  8. Hey anybody want to hire a gay prostitute who was a plant in the White House press room? I have extensive experience in asking The President softball questions. I am also an experienced gay male escort.
    I hate to bother you but living in the ownership society is so expensive.
    Thank You,
    Jeff Gannon
    Talon News

  9. How in the world did they train a plant to ask questions at all? And if you think bestiality is, errrr, outre or avant guard–well, geez, it makes my head spin!
    Booger–I hear you.

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