Open Thread (Just Like on Kos!)

I guess I’ll start the conversation today. Like most people, I was wondering what is the use of a kitten. So, I tried to teach her to box; a boxing kitten seemed like it would be kinda cool. But, no matter how many times I said, “Block your head,” and jabbed her in her kitty face, she just kept staring at my fist and not putting up her defenses. I think defending the head is one of the biggest fundamentals in boxing, and, if my kitten can’t even do that, I don’t know if I’ll ever make her a competent boxer. Well, guess I’ll try some more tonight.
BTW, an IMW is ready to post whenever I feel like it.


  1. Kittens aren’t very good at boxing; I’d recommend teaching her to be an Olympic Class swimmer. Training her to swim is much easier too, you just launch her from the nearest catapult into the Atlantic Ocean and when she reaches shore launch her again.

  2. My eight year old cat can box. Both paws up and swinging. Except you can’t give him catnip before hand cause he falls backwards if he’s not paying attention. So keep trying, it’s possible. It helps if the cat/kitty is feisty or pissed off to begin with.

  3. Your problem is you are trying to box a cat. Sheesh.
    Pluto boxes pretty well. He is always throwing punches at other dogs. His favorite sparring partner is Sophie, who is a boxer by trade.
    He also protects his head … with his teeth.

  4. I’m sorry but I’ve got to change the subject for a moment. I NEED to vent. I just visited kos and atrios for the first time. I normally stay in the blogs where I belong like this one.(this is my favorite, not sucking up just stating the truth) Anyway, I am completely DISGUSTED with those mindless moonbats! WHAT THE %$#@ IS WRONG WITH THEM?!?! sighs Ok, I feel better. Thanks for letting me vent.

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