ruling from the judicial throne

the seat is comfortable, but the 200 year old parchment really chaps your ass
In case you hadn’t heard, five people (who hide behind the label “Supreme Court majority”) decided today that you and your fellow citizens are incapable of governing yourself in relation to the issue of whether juveniles between the ages of 16 and 18 should be executed for first degree murder. If you read their opinion (and I encourage you to do so–especially the dissents–because it underscores everything that is wrong with the judicial system these days) you will note that they describe in great detail how there is no national consensus regarding this issue (i.e. different states have treated the issue differently through the legislative process), then conclude that there is in fact a national consensus that the death penalty should not be enforced in such cases. Huh?
What is nearly as appalling as this total usurption of the democratic process, is that the juvenile they removed from death row committed one of the most calculated and cruel acts of murder you will ever have the misfortune to read about. If anyone of any age ever deserved the death penalty, certainly the killer in the case before the court did.
If Republican Senator’s don’t have the guts to exercise the nuclear option after this debacle, we mine as well give up hope that we will ever be freed from judicial tyranny.


  1. Interestingly, Life isn’t up to a vote in a Democratic Republic. Since it’s a Right, it’s non-negotiable. Execution is a civil verdict and they can make up whatever law they want to kill whoever they want when they murder another.
    The Constitution prevents mob rule. No lions eating Christians anymore. So, these jokers can make up anything they want and that’s that as long as it’s a punishment equal/fitting the crime.

  2. That’s a helluva idea. Lets bring back the coliseum. If the murder can survive being attacked by Lions, Tigers and Bears (Oh My!) then they only have to serve life in prison; if they don’t then we’ve been entertained.

  3. I live in NC where 4 lil’ murderers just got off deathrow because of this and I’m pissed! We should bring back public hangings like they did it in the Old West. Hanging there eyes and tongue bulging out while you piss and sht all over yourself…now that is a deterent! But *PC will never allow that. No, the liberal mind set is to give them 3 hots and a cot, a weight room, cable tv on the tax-payers dime. It’s just not right.

  4. Well, gee, I guess this really saves us the need of electing congress-critters. Hey, maybe we could even save a few bucks and dissolve the congress and the senate!
    After all, the Supreme Court seems to think that national edicts are their turf now.

  5. that’s exactly what i was thinking–justice kennedy does look like bob hope!
    that’s a burger king hat on breyer by the way, and they are dressed as absolute monarchs–phillip ii, george iii (not exactly an absolute monarch by the way), elizabeth i, napoleon, and louis xiv
    justice scalia in his dissent described them as our “black robed masters”–which seems fitting

  6. I’ve come to expect this sort of nonsense from Ginsburg, Souter (who I think is actually really Ginsburg in disguise), and Stevens, but I thought that Kennedy and Breyer (I disagree with him a lot, but I think that he’s principled) were a lot better than this.

  7. my con law teacher clerked for justice thomas, and described souter as a “weird yogurt eating dwarf”
    is it wrong to say that it is too bad that he wasn’t beaten into retirement last year when he was jumped while jogging?

  8. “boo hoo, the judicial system is interpreting the constitution differently than i, some random blogger, is. that’s totally not their purpose!”
    Actually, it is. It is their JOB to determine what is constitutional, and to practically ignore public opinion. The supreme court has a history of following public opinion, but sometimes they haven’t. Don’t get your panties in a twist.

  9. SO the question really is, do people have the right to take anothers life? Seems to me your committing a crime for a crime. I very rarely agree with not putting something to an open vote, but it comes down to God telling me not to kill, in any form.

  10. Uh-uh. God told us not to commit MURDER, which shows the deficiency of the KJV translators. If He had said not to kill in any form, as you claim, then He wouldn’t have directed the Israelites to slaughter their way across the Promised Land–it would have been hypocritical.
    The same part of the Bible that contains the instruction, “Thou shalt not kill” also imposes the death penalty on murderers. Read it; it’s there. Stop trying to make God fit into your own ideals.

  11. That’s right Jack H. Not only do the Ten Comandments say “thou shalt not committ murder”, but my study Bible I got for Christmas says that, directly translated, the Hebrew verb used in that statement almost always means the unlawful, and often premeditated, killing of another human being.

  12. That’s right Jack H. Not only do the Ten Comandments say “thou shalt not committ murder”, but my study Bible I got for Christmas says that, directly translated, the Hebrew verb used in that statement almost always means the unlawful, and often premeditated, killing of another human being.

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