RWD’s News Round-Up, Wedesday

I’m RightWngDuck. I’m here to share the news.
The report is out on the UN Oil For Food Scandal, and Koffi Annan is faulted but not blamed for the actions of his son.
Makes perfect sense.
President Bush gets blamed for the actions of our Abu Grahib soldiers, but that doesn’t mean that Kofi should be blamed for the actions for his own son!!
They should blame his parents. Oh.
Kofi’s son, Kojo, was paid thousands of dollars by Cotecna to help mismanage the Oil for Food program. Of course, trouble quickly followed.
Kofi should give him a job that keeps young Kojo out of trouble. Like, working with the UN troops. He should visit the Congo.
The Congo. Where the UN helps makes every night, ladies night.
“Although Tuesday’s report found no wrongdoing by Kofi Annan, it clearly faulted the secretary-general’s management of the world body and his oversight of the oil-for-food program.”
So, he’s not officially blamed. But that’s just a Cotecna-cality.
BTW, I do believe it’s the first UN Report to have 10 pages of Annan family pictures.

CAIR, the Council for American Islamic Relations, is asking Boeing not to advertise in National Review Magazine. Why? NR has ads for books which expose Islam as being less than a religion of peace.
CAIR “respectfully requested that Boeing “address the concerns of Muslims worldwide by withdrawing its advertising support from a magazine that actively promotes anti-Muslim hate.”
Boeing officials are concerned. If Muslims are offended by their advertising choices, they might choose another brand of airplane for all future hijackings.
Maryland lawmakers have introduced a bill that would allow students to use sunscreen without having it dispensed by a nurse.
Condoms are still available for free.
Abortions still don’t require a note from parents.
Sunscreen though. Over the counter, non pharmaceuticals are a completely different issue.
Labor unions are asking Congress to pressure ABC News to drop Walmart as a sponsor.
That’s good. Because if there’s on thing networks like doing, it’s letting go of vital advertising dollars.
The UFCW represents 1.4 million workers at the nation’s major supermarket, food processing and meatpacking companies. UFCW members also work in the health care, garment, chemical, distillery and retail industries.
Some 13,000 people have signed the petition, the UFCW said.
So. 13,000 signature from a membership of 1.4 million workers. If they keep this rate up, in a couple of weeks, their signature total might go as high as 1% of their total membership!!
In all fairness, it is an online petition. They’ll get more signatures when they go out there and meet their members face to face.
You know a good place to find them? Wal-Mart. Man, those guys have great prices.
A woman in San Diego is suing three cereal companies over their claim of having cereals that are lower in sugar. She claims that the cereals have no health benefits over the regular cereals.
So? Are they indeed lower in sugar?
If so – what the hell is the problem?
My cereal has a label. It has no apples. It has no Jacks! I’m happy.
Personally, I don’t expect anything to be healthy when its mascot is a blueberry flavored ghost!
If she wants to make money off the cereal companies she should try to find a special prize inside – like a severed finger or something.
Burger King has come out with a new sandwich.
It is extremely heavy on calories and fat.
If you want a great deal, you should get the Super Big Combo. It’s great. It comes with the sandwich plus the fries, a milkshake, and a defibrillator .
Michael Schiavo and the Schindler family have both agreed that there will be an autopsy performed on Terri Schiavo. This marks the first time in a long time they have agreed on anything.
Well, the only difference now is in the proposed timing. The Schindler’s want the autopsy to happen AFTER Terry dies.
Sad. It will mark the first time that Terri is treated by a medical professional.
An autopsy is a great way to prove the extent of brain damage. Now, there are some radicals who believe that evaluations are best done when people are ALIVE, but they’re just biased.
A North Dakota politician wants to see baseball put Roger Maris’ home run record back on the books.
The idea of course is that the new records shouldn’t count – steroids and all.
It’s not fair when drugs lead people to bury your previous accomplishments.
Imagine how the Founding Fathers feel.
This is what politicians spend their time on?
There’s legal trouble for a Playboy Playmate who stole $600 worth of power tools
She claims that she’s innocent. She doesn’t even like power tools. Her other turnoffs include: hammers, screwdrivers, and rude people.
They have her dead to rights – how many other people break into a place naked?
See, that’s a habit they need to drop at some point in their lives.
If you read the article, you’ll see that they looked in through her trailer window and saw the tools lying there. That’s how they busted her.
Trailer window?
You know, I always wondered with those exotic modelling jobs.
I guess they really do get to keep the trailer.
You know what’s weird about being a playmate? All the best pictures of you have you naked.
Hi, welcome. It’s nice to have you come over and play with my son. Are you in the fourth grade too? Wonderful. Say, would you like to see pictures of me when I was younger?
Some male models who posed as wife beaters are now suing NYC.
It turns out that they posed for public awareness posters, but the posters have been out so long, that people think the models are real life wifebeaters.
Sounds funny. But true. So I guess these guys were really good models.
The problem turns out to be that the posters stayed out longer than they should have.
The city is considering removing the posters, which are put up throughout the city. But they might not do anything at all. Who cares what a bunch of wifebeaters want.
Enjoy your day.

No Comments

  1. That reminds me:
    Hardee’s has the “Monster Thickburger.” A 1,420-calorie burger, which contains 107 grams of fat.
    With two 1/3-pound slabs of Angus beef, four strips of bacon, three slices of American cheese and some mayonnaise–all on a buttered, toasted, sesame seed bun–this burger can feed an entire village in the Congo… or one Michael Moore.
    I didn’t eat breakfast today.

  2. Here’s a free tip that may help with teh headaches…..
    Everytime I see the name of a city in NKorea, or the poofy one’s name, my brain has now been trained to automatically replace the letters with the letters ‘p-i-n-g-p-o-n-g’.
    Mush easier to say even silently and tosses another mental dart in their direction.
    Also, I have recently completed brain training to replace the letters of that sucker at the UN, with ‘C-o-f-f-e-e B-a-n-a-n-a’
    Ahhhhhhhhhhhh, so much better.

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