Sgrena Sees The Light

By now we’ve all heard the MSM hypothesis that the shootings at a roadside security checkpoint in Iraq where Italian military intelligence officer Nicola Calipari was killed and commie journalist Giuliana Sgrena was wounded by U.S. military forces was a “hit” and this illegal action by the U.S. military all but exonerates CNN’s Eason Jordan.
Well, we all know that a top-notch communist will tell you a lie when it’s easier to tell you the truth. This makes Giuliana Sgrena one heckuva communist.
You’re old buddy Scott would like to point out two big holes in that hypothesis that nobody in the MSM is bringing up:

1) Eason Jordan has not been re-hired by CNN with a salary increase
2) The might of the U.S. military destroyed the Iraqi military in 3 weeks
In other words, only the followers of Eason Jordan would be dense enough to conclude that the U.S. military couldn’t pull off the assassination of an unknown middle-aged woman in an unarmored two-door Fiat. The axiom states that if the U.S. Marines want you dead, you’re gonna die. Ooh-RAH!
Even though the MSM has been loudly proclaiming how Sgrena’s story of a botched hit on her by bloodthirsty Americans differs from the U.S. military’s account of our soldiers flashing lights into the windshield of her speeding car, the MSM has been strangely silent on the fact that Sgrena has changed her story.
In an interview on Italian TV on Sunday, Sgrena said, “There was no bright light, no signal.” She also said the car was traveling at “regular speed.” She elaborated further on this to the BBC:
“We had no signal. We were just on the way to the airport. They started to shoot at us without any light or signal. There was no block, there was nothing. It was so immediate. I didn’t know how I was alive after all that attack.”
Okay, so now her story is that not only was there no warning from the American soldiers at the security checkpoint, there was also no American security checkpoint at all?
You’ll get a big kick out of the fact that the Washington Post has a negative story about the incident that basically accuses the U.S. military of war crimes but inadvertently outs Sgrena as a liar with this sentence:
“But Sgrena, who had just been released by Iraqi captors, recalled later that the car was not traveling very fast and that soldiers started firing ‘right after lighting’ a spotlight — a decision she said was not justified.”
I’m waiting for Sgrena to change her story again and paint herself as the victim of a male-dominated society:
“I wasa inna da backseat telling my driver to speeda up to getta me home but he drive too fasta anda it make me sicka. Then he slowa down too much anda start looking around so I tella him ‘you donna know where you goin, hah?’ and he starta driving fast again. So I tell hima ‘pulla over I have to pee’ but thena the Americans starta killing us with boollets!”
Okay, it’s funnier if you imagine a burned-out Italian hippie housewife in the backseat of a 1979 Fiat yelling and wildly gesticulating at two cigarette-smoking bald guys in the front seat.


  1. See – here’s the thing about Eason Jordan. Soldiers weren’t targeting journalists before – but it was such a great idea, that now all our soldiers do IS shoot journalists.
    Probably because we killed all the terrorists.
    Not MUCH difference, if I say so myself.

  2. when will the insanity of the MSM stop? why would you want to destroy your own country and degrade your own troops like they do? who in the hell are these people and why have they not been tried for treason?

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