Starving Songs

I often hear about songs to listen to while studying or driving. So I came up with some song lists related to starving.
Songs to listen to while starving your wife.

  • I used to love her, but I had to kill her. (she got so inconvenient and after all I want to be the husband to the mother of my kids) – by Gun N Roses
  • Hungry like the wolf. – by Duran Duran
  • Stop (feeding her) in the name of love. – by the Supremes, the three women not the Stupid Court
  • Live and let (slowly) die. – by Wings

Songs to listen to while your adulterous husband is starving you.

  • Eat it. – by Weird Al Yankovich
  • She’s got you. (and hey, she’s got your kids too) – by some country singer
  • You don’t own me. (but you can still kill me) – by…I forget, but they sang it on ‘the First Wives’s Club’

Of course I’m sure there are more. So why not tell me in the comments?


  1. How ’bout: Wasting away in Margaritia-hospice-ville? Jimmy Buffet
    If I could get outta this bed I’d rip you a new ^&*hole you freaking bigamist! — Your helpless spouse.

  2. ‘She’s Got You’ by “some country singer?” She was named Patsy Cline.
    ‘You Don’t Own Me’ was charted by Lesley Gore in 1963. I was just a child then.
    Song Titles you didn’t list:
    ‘Hungry For Love’ – Patsy Cline
    ‘The Politics of Starving’ – Against Me!
    ‘Wasting Away’ – Nailbomb

  3. Some pro-death Satanist liberals have taken up the term “deathocrats” that conservatives have been using during this whole fiasco, and they have created a disgusting Web site that seems to mock poor Terri Schiavo’s tragic condition. I’m sad to say that I’m not entirely sure if the site is a joke (God only knows what lengths they will go to), but humor or not, it’s disgusting. I thought I’d let you folks know.
    The site address:

  4. You don’t even need to change the lyrics for this one:
    “Somebody bring me some water
    Can’t you see I’m burning alive
    Can’t you see my baby’s got another lover
    I don’t know how I’m gonna survive.”
    — Melissa Etheridge, “Bring Me Some Water”

  5. Songs to sing to yourself while your “hubby” is getting ready to marry someone else and you’re in a Vegetative state: “Veggie Tails theme song”
    “Oscar myer theme song”
    “what whould you do for a klondike bar?”
    and of course any song by the Carpenters or Bobby Sands (although Bobby and Karen didn’t eat by choice)
    -This comment is in JEST in that if I don’t laugh I’ll cry. If someone can tell me why this nitwit husband did’t just end there marrage and give care rights back to Terri Schiavo folks?
    Sorry to vent, and maybe I’m thinking apples & cream pie (or Oranges) but I’m a cripple & doctors told my mum that I’d be a veggie at birth. Now other than I’m a Red Sox fan, write with my left hand, & use a wheelchair, I’m fine. Point is docs can be wrong, and why do they make the call not terri’s folks? bid you all peace love and understanding.
    blessed be,

  6. Rancher accused of starving cattle herd
    Swails, 47, is accused of letting his cattle starve in a pasture that was devoid of forage.
    He was arrested Thursday and is being held in jail on $100,000 bail. Each of his 120 charges carries a maximum penalty of five years in prison.
    By the time animal-services agents and sheriff’s deputies investigated reports of the starving herd in March 2004, they said they found at least 23 dead cows.
    The officers said they also saw turkey vultures feeding on the bodies of two live cows that were too weak to move.
    The NY Times and ABC News are reporting that the cows enjoyed a peaceful, humane death…

  7. There is a song called “Baby Doe” by Steve Taylor about a similar situation some years ago. Except it was an infant that was not wanted by the parents who was starved to death. Doesn’t need much to update to now…

  8. At the risk of making light of something extremely serious, please understand that my parody makes light of the foolish judges involved in this issue, not of Terri Schiavo herself. My prayers are with her and her family.
    Schiavo to Die, Say Random Courts
    Unsolicited decisions intended to “get with the trend”, judges say
    Federal and local judges around the country have been busy making unsolicited rejections of the Schindlers’ pleas to save the life of their daughter, Terri Schiavo.
    Courts in the San Francisco, Omaha, Cleveland, and Baltimore areas released the surprise rulings early this morning, ordering that Terri die through the intensely humane method of starvation. Some questioned the rulings on the grounds that complaints had not been filed in any of those jurisdictions. But the judges cited various reasons for the spontaneous decisions.
    Some judges stated that they wanted to assert their authority and make their personal preferences clear. Others, including F.N. Weasel, Justice O’ the Peace in Wahoo, Nebraska, saw a pattern developing that they could not ignore. Weasel stated that rejecting Terri’s life “seemed like the ‘hip’ thing to do” and “all the rage”, adding that “Wahoo must not be behind the times on this issue. My ruling unites the heartland with the trendy East Coast.”
    Amid cries of “Who asked ya?”, F.N. Weasel further justified his unsolicited decision that sums up all of the court rulings surrounding Terri Schiavo: “Only united, not divided, can the courts of this great nation successfully kill innocent disabled people.”

  9. For terri
    “I’m so lonesome I could die” By Hank Williams
    “I wanna be sedated” Ramones
    “Alice’s Resturant” Arlo Guthrie
    ‘You can get any thing you want at Alice’s resturant, excepting food and water.’

  10. Since starvation is so humane, they should use it for death penalties. Then the liberals wouldn’t be opposed to it anymore. They can keep those pesky Red Cross people away by having the warden gay marry the prisoner. Then the warden can keep investigators away to “protect the privacy” of the prisoner. If people start to question the signature of the prisoner on the marriage certificate, just have it verified by the people who check absentee ballots.

  11. How about Tom Petty’s “Last Dance With (Terri) Jane”.
    Here’s a few of the lyrics:
    Last dance with (Terri) Jane, one more time to kill the pain.
    I feel summer creepin’ in and I’m tired of this town again.
    Well I don’t know but I’ve been told, you never slow down,
    you never grow old.
    I’m tired of screwin’ up, tired of goin’ down,
    Tired of myself, tired of this town,
    Or, for Michael the Righteous Brothers’ “You’ve Lost That Lovin’ Feeling”
    But, seriously, how about one round of “Amazing Grace” for Terri and her family (the Schindler side that is).
    Anyone else find it odd that they celebrate a Schindler trying to save people from the Eugenics loving Nazis (Schindler’s List), but the media and the left say that Terri in her state is not worthy of life (eugenics?) and paint the Schindlers trying to save their daughter as religious nuts?

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