Taiwan Protestors: Where’s the Chicks?

Hundreds of thousands of peaceful freedom-loving protestors marched through the streets of Taipei, Taiwan to protest the so-called “anti secession law” in Mainland China. Taiwan, a representative republic with an imperfect but working democracy that protects personal liberties for their citizens, has irked communist China because it considers Taiwan a “breakaway province” that should be under the control of a homogenous group of hypocritical, parasitic, money-grubbing, power-mad elitists who seek to micromanage every aspect of people’s lives.
(It should be noted that the aforementioned attributes of the Chinese Communist Party makes them virtually indistinguishable from Democrat members of the U.S. Senate.)
Take a look at the hundreds of thousands of liberty-loving Taiwanese in this photo:

Wow! After looking at this picture of the Taipei freedom march all I can say is: “Hey, where’s the chicks?”
You must remember that when the thousands of Lebanese democracy protestors took to the streets of Beirut a couple of weeks ago, they brought their hot democracy chicks out front and center… So where’s the hot Taiwanese freedom babes?
Mainland China has given us that girl from Crouching Tiger, but the commies have the advantage of having 1.2 billion people to choose from and the law of averages says you’re bound to have some hotties in a pool that big.
I can’t believe that out of those few hundred thousand protestors in Taipei there aren’t any Taiwanese babes that can show up at these rallies. Maybe all of the capitalist Taiwanese babes all have jobs and couldn’t get off work to march in the protest?
Yeah I know it’s a holiday but that shouldn’t stop the sharp-eyed readers of IMAO from scouring the Web for Taiwan’s Freedom Babes.


  1. Actually, I see what appears to be breasts on a visored marcher wearing a pastel blue/green shirt in the front row in the left bottom corner… Of course, the “hottie factor” can’t be determined from the pic, but I’m pretty sure that’s female…

  2. There’s another chick with a nice rack 3 people behind the boob-girl in the corner.
    Also, judging from the jackets, it’s probably kinda chilly there right now. There’ll be some good protest skin on the streets in a couple months.

  3. I included a link to the Lebanese Freedom Babes in the body of the post, so that’s been taken into consideration.
    You guys don’t have to limit yourself to the pic in my post–go out and find some Taiwanese Freedom Babes elsewhere on the Internet. Aren’t there any Taiwanese actresses that are protesting?
    Then again, if Taiwan-born actresses like Shu Qi (The Transporter) and Camille Chen (The Ringer, a Farrelly Brothers comedy) are like Hollywood actresses, they’re probably welcoming a communist rule from the Mainland.

  4. Nee how ma!
    I learned that, and how to order a steak and a beer, 6 years ago when we did some work in Taiwan.
    Wonderful nation, wonderful people.
    If you can ask where the men’s room is, in addition to the other two things, you arer functionally literate in any country.
    Thank you is “shia shia”

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