Terrible Teen Terror

Hello, Aquafans.
The Supreme Court ruled that those under eighteen can’t be executed, and, as expected, teenagers are running amok everywhere with the knowledge they are safe from the ultimate penalty.
Can anyone stop them? This sounds like a job for…

Time for orange-shirted justice!AQUAMAN!!!
I jumped from the water into the midst of a city terrorized by out of control adolescents. There were fires everywhere, smashed windows, and nary a hat worn properly. It was time for some order!
“You may be constitutionally spared from the chair!” I announced, “But you still have to deal with my patent-pending Dolphin Punch!”
“Actually, the Supreme Court is ruling on the legality of that right now,” one brat answered.
“Aww… crap,” I sighed as I saw the teenagers gang up on me. There were more than I expected, and, although many fell themselves on their low-hung, baggy jeans, enough surrounded me to be a menace. Perhaps it was time to outsmart them!
“Do you know where all the cool kids do battle these days?” I asked them, “Underwater!”
They apparently didn’t fall for it.
When I regained consciousness, I was hanging from a flagpole by my underwear, made all the easier to do since I, like most superheroes, wear my underwear on the outside of my pants. I guess in the futures I should fight villains my own size.
This is Aquaman, signing off.


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