The Happy Bunny Song

I was going to write a post about how much I hate terrorists, but with all the hate & death & killing in the news lately, I thought maybe I should try to write about something cheerful and upbeat, instead. So in the extended entry, I’ve placed


I wish I were a bunny, with a soft and fuzzy head.
I’d groin-kick all the terrorists, until they fell down dead.
I wish I were a bunny, with a cotton tail of fluff.
Blasting bad guys with my Glock, ‘cuz I don’t take no guff!
I’d tear their guts out with my paws, and wiggle my pink nose.
And pee upon their ankles as I chewed off all their toes.
I’d chop their heads off with an ax, and play and hop around.
And sing my happy little song, upon the blood-soaked ground.
I’d kill and maim and kill again, spread cute and cuddly death.
And giggle at insurgents, as they draw their final breath.
Oh, I’d love to be a bunny, with a fully-loaded gun.
I’d shoot at Eason Jordan – targ’ting journalists is fun!
Then I’d go to Hollywood and frisk around a bit.
And kick the ass of Michael Moore (that worthless, lying s***)
Upon his chubby, smelly head, I’d hop and hop and hop!
Until his skull is well-caved-in, and out his eyes did pop.
I’d love to join the Air Force, and drop a ‘splodey bomb.
Be a stalwart Army officer, or Marine Corps grunt non-com.
And get to slaughter terrorists – oh, that would be divine!
But if I can’t be one of those, a bunny would be fine.


  1. I was going to write some music to this, but then I figured out that it works perfectly to the tune of “The Yellow Rose of Texas”. Strangely enough, Emily Dickinson’s poems also work with the same tune.

  2. Normally, I severely dislike bunnies (on the same level as Frank dislikes monkeys), but if a bunny were as kick@$$ as the one in your song… man that would just rock!
    Great song.

  3. I guess you were going for juxtaposition – a fluffy bunny performing merciless acts of violence. Yeah, that’s original. Well, at least his violence had deserving targets.
    I can’t say this is funny.
    A nice dream maybe, or a fantasy, but not funny.
    I’m going to go read Scrappleface…

  4. OMG! That is so very funny! IO loved reading that. It matches alot of my friends and the way they feel about things but i feel pretty about a lot of stuff. Mostly i like to think about guys!!

  5. I thought this song was gross and discusting. Very creative but, need some improvement. Never thought happy bunny would ever be like that. Nice imagenation. Blllah…wE lOvE hApPy bUnNy (K) *
    M w a h /*/ >Luv Tiiaanaa & Allexx..<–

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