The Love Is Back!

And wuv, twue wuv. Wuv has now been westored to IMAO.

Huh you ask? Huh, indeed. The trackback linky-type love, baby! Whatever had formerly R-U-N-N-O-F-T with the trackem-up-backer is apparently fixed.

Lesser imps and demons should feel free to rebuild any post that linked here and you got some sort of crazy bifurcated ‘unable to ping IMAO because you ain’t bonified’ error.

You are now permitted to rebuild and reap any sort of whirlwind related to us going to your blog to answer those self agrandizing “Hey, what sort of ankle-biter linked me?” type questions.

Reap, Anklebiters! REAP!

Subject for the blogless to comment about: other quotes from the movies I shamelessly misquoted.

Oh and Frank J. scooped me.

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