The Return of Headline Fun

Oh no! No posts! It’s time for…

“US Envoy Calls for IRA to Disband”
Us Envoy blown up.
“A Hearty Laugh Helps Keep a Healthy Heart”
IMAO now covered by most HMOs.
“Commission Says US Lacks Intel on Iran Arms”
Seen more than enough of their legs, though.
“Bolton regarded warily within the UN”
Kofi more into punk rock.
“Murder ruled out in case of King Tut”
So are we supposed to believe he was gutted, his corpse wrapped in cloth, and then buried by accident?
“Italy Demands Justice from US Over Iraq Death”
Justice to be carried out by Tony Soprano.
“Karameh chosen to return as PM”
Will arrive in AM.
“Pope Makes Third Window Appearance”
“Hey, ever-a-buda looka upa there! It’sa da popa!”
“UN Approves Non-Binding Ban on Human Cloning”
Will mad scientists play along?
Now everyone else play along in the comments.

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  1. IMAO stands for NOTHING! they will never let this tyranny go through!
    they will fight fight fight! they will run the ball, and when the enemy stops that, then the forward pass!
    they are iron men with wooden sticks, ready to face anything that is in the way of freedom and liberty for all!
    plus, I think something to do with badgers.

  2. Fla. Parents Charged After 17-Year-Old Found Starved In Cage, Wearing Diaper…”Shut Up or I’ll Nail Your Other Foot To The Floor” Defense Strategy hinted at by family lawyer…

  3. From MSN:
    “Electric dog coats may offer protection for pets”
    No more annoying petting from owners.
    Basil – with all those funny posts, maybe Frank should have you doing the Headline Fun as a regular feature.

  4. Bush Administration Advises Israel to Be Quiet on Lebanese Politics
    If Israel fails to take this advice, the Administration is prepared to tell Israel to “talk to the fist, ’cause the hand is pissed!”.

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