Thursday Is “Bring Your Own TP To Work Day”

The wackos at the Associated Press want you to believe that America is so pathetic and poorly managed by the Bush Administration that government employees must purchase toilet paper for their workplace out of their own pocket.
An Erie County worker in Buffalo that told the AP reporter that his county’s 100 million dollar budget shortfall forces him to buy his own TP and says “it’s like living in another country–a bad country.” Did the reporter ask for a quote from this guy in the bathroom or on his way in? Either way, it shows a disturbing lack of character from the AP reporter.
It’s a given that reporter had plenty of paper that county worker could’ve used but didn’t want to offer any to the guy: “I have to remain objective,” so sayeth the AP reporter “and by giving this man, who has obviously been oppressed by the evil Bush Administration’s policies, some of my precious eco-friendly environmentally-sound notepaper to wipe his ass would compromise my integrity as a journalist.”
What the objective reporters at the AP failed to mention in their story is the fact that Erie County got themselves into this hole by spending more money than they were taking in, raising taxes on their residents, and wasting nearly $550 million in Federal urban aid it has received over a 30 year period.


  1. The question IS: can this poor slob wipe his own ass? Or does it take a village?
    Reminds me of a dung beetle grocery shopping. Get ‘Shinola’ brand “I can’t believe it’s not dung.”

  2. That was really good, and informative. It reminds me of the two cent tax some pol is trying to put on TP, I thought, “what if you own a septic tank like me?” Why the hell I should pay for cleaning up other peoples cr*p is beyond me… er, what were we talking about? Oh yeah, great post, Thanks Scott.

  3. ….why not go into the urban areas, and steal their TP!
    This reminds me of an advertisement I saw many years ago. They were selling this tiny cushion that was intended to be used with TP. I do not remember the product name, but I began referring to them as “Pretty A$$ Wipes!” The product was a complete failure. In any case, let’s take a look at someone trying to purchase this product…
    Effeminate Male Shopper: “Oh Box-boy! Oh Box-boy! Where might I find the Pretty A$$ Wipes?”
    Box-boy: “That would be on aisle 8B ma’am. Right between the knitted P3ni$ cozies and Male Lactation bibs!”
    …Boy Howdy! I’m sure using something like that would really make someone feel like a REAL MAN!

  4. You obviously don’t understand, comrade! This cannot be tolerated and must be socially engineered for the good of the collective. We must take the ass wipe from the that have too much and give it to that have none and this can only be accomplished by the Central Committee…

  5. I don’t see where Bush is mentioned in that article, was the article changed (which they do) or did someone at DU try to connect it to Bush.
    or am I missing some humor here?
    I wonder if Chicago is going down the same road, our taxes are going up and up, and police are ticketing dog owners to raise revenue.

  6. Why not just wipe with all those TPS reports we all fill out so often?
    With the new cover page, of course.

    “Why does it say paper jam when there is no paper jam? I swear to God, one of these days I’ll just kick this piece of sh*t out the window!”

  7. I live in Erie county… for now. Our biggest problem is that we are the most over unionized place in the world.
    Between Buffalo and Erie County, we have double the national rate of union employees in government and private business. The result of which is the unions get whatever contracts they want, regardless of how little the area can afford to pay them.
    That and the fact that the “Peoples Democtatic Republic of New York” has the most expensive medicare system in the country. Per capita, over twice the cost of the next two states, California and Texas, combined. And it is a county funded, state mandated program. ALL of our property taxes and a portion of the sales tax (8.25%) go to paying for that bloated program alone!

  8. Monster Kabasue,
    If you’re talking about Erie, PA (the city), I can only say that it drives the good people away. There’s no employment there for anyone with a degree unless they want to work with ‘tards or happen to be medical doctors. Otherwise, it’s factories or Burger King. Yeah, I was born and raised there.
    If this is a different Erie, then I have no f***ing clue. Damn lake spreads its name all over the place.

  9. patrick
    You appear to be trying to insult libertarians and republicans, but you are correct. The more they keep increasing taxes, the harder it will be to make money, the less revenue they will take in, thus making the problem worse.
    Illinois is going through the same thing.
    Part of the problem is, unlike the federal budget, most state budgets require them to be balanced every year. This makes the hard years even harder.
    why don’t you study JFK’s presidency? He lowered taxes and increased spending, and brought us out of a recession.
    Or Reagans? Then look at what Reagan’s presidency would have been like if Volker had not kept interest rates so high?
    Or… Bush’s? He had a recession about to start going in. Now we are out, we’ve gained back almost all the jobs we lost and our economy is getting stronger.
    I know lefties like feel good solutions, not facts and figures.

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