Top Ten List Of Really Hard To Write Top 10 Lists

Sometimes top ten lists practically write themselves. Others are a lot harder. Some, well, forget it. With that in mind, I give you the..

Top Ten List Of Really Hard To Write Top 10 Lists.

10. Top 10 List Of Food Items Michael Moore Has Not Eaten At Least 12 Of At A Single Sitting…Today

9. Top 10 List Of Elements Of Any Christian Holiday That The ACLU Has Not Sued Someone About

8. Top 10 List Of Elements Of Any Non-Christian Holiday That The ACLU Has Sued ANYONE About

7. Top 10 Longest Times Ted Kennedy Has Been Sober (There’s only one)

6. The Top 10 Comic Strips Drawn by Ted Rall That Were Either Artistic OR Funny (Not Just To His Mom)

5. Top 10 List Of People Who’ve Ever Paid Back Every Cent They Borrowed From You

4. Top 10 List Of Bathroom Floors You’d Ever Apply The “Three Second Rule” To

3. Top 10 List Of Sharp, Knife-Like Items That Are Fun To Gouge Really, Really Deeply Into Your Eye (Either One)

2. Top 10 List Of Admirable Things About Oliver Willis, KOS , and Atrios (combined)

and the Number One Really Hard To Write Top 10 List…

1. Top 10 List Of People Who’d Rather Read A Top 10 List About Top 10 Lists Than Eat Freshly Baked Pie. Mmmmmm Pie.


  1. Atrios is admirable.
    He deletes my posts, even though I am most unsarcastic and not mean when i post there. (I try to be civil when posting on people’s blogs)
    That is very admirable and nice to his regular readers, since they might get offended and upset if they read something that introduces facts that contradict their worldview.

  2. Hey dirty hippies, I liked the old #6, too!
    How about instead of replacing things at the whims of your commenters, just add a little addendum. Make it #6a and #6b if you must.
    grumbles Bloody revisionists…

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