Top Ten Uses for a Cat

Ain’t a cat person, but I gots me a kitten. Thus, I’ve tried to find some use for it.
10. Paper shredder.
9. Foot warmer.
8. Football.
7. Hand towel.
6. Boxing partner.
5. General destruction of property.
4. Rubber band slingshot target.
3. Test subject for experimental rocket skateboard (need duct tape).
2. Topic for top ten lists.
And the number one use for a cat…

Hugs (though she doesn’t like them).


  1. They give you an excuse to buy one of those cool laser pointer things to use as a cat toy. The cat chases it everywhere. I’ve always wanted one of those. Now that I’ve got the laser pointer…anyone want a used cat?

  2. Actually the number one use for kittens is: Babe Magnet!
    If you’re single, (or if your wife is out of town) get some kittens from the local shelter, put them in a playpen (with high solid sides) and sit with them in the front yard with a sign that says “Free Kitten Petting”.

  3. You forgot AstroKitty training. My cat was very fond of Rendevous and Docking.
    Needs one cat, one cat toy (tennis ball) and one assistant.
    Over a bed, toss in a parabola, one cat and one cat toy so that they will meet at the top of the arc.
    Hours of fun.

  4. The kitten on the picture looks like its from outer space.
    Future alien menace, at least to the rats and mice.
    My girlfriend still wondering what to get me for my birthday… I guess I’ll have to give her some green-eyed hints.

  5. Since you’ve got two cats, you should realize that the number one use is “gladiator”. When Bob & Hilton get done with their extensive naps, they like to chase each other around the house like a couple of three year olds on a sugar binge. It’s cool to just sit on the couch & watch the battles – giving a “thumbs-down” when one has the other in a submission hold.
    Now if Hilton would just learn how to use the trident & the net together………

  6. They’re good for use as dusters–as in…
    You need to dust the tops of your ceiling fan blades. So you place your cat atop one of the blades near the motor.
    Turn the fan on.
    Repeat for the remaining blades.

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