U.N. Me

The U.N. needs some work, including an image change. In the spirit of helpfulness, I came up with some brand new slogans for the U.N. (do they even have one now). Here they are:

* If a corrupt, bloated bureaucracy can’t solve it, then it’s best left festering.
* Genocidal dictators, beware our harshly worded letters.
* Having discussed at length almost every major crisis in the past 60 years.
* If our baby-blue helmets don’t scream seriousness, then are non-binding resolutions do.
* Chosen by 4 out of 5 oppressed peoples for peacekeeping over Sprite in a blind taste test.
* The U.N. – U.N.fair, U.N.balanced, U.N.medicated.
* Try our world famous cheesy fries.
* Defeating evil… as long as the cowardly French and the evil Chinese Commies don’t use their veto power.
* Pointless squabbling brought to an art form.
* Check with our job opportunities center for great benefits and embezzlement opportunities.
* If troubles abound, we’ll be nearby doing nothing.
* You can’t spell “unethical” without U.N.
* Honest; those people were raped before we got here.
* If you don’t like us, our 156-4 vote says it’s the fault of Israel.
* Ignoring the irony of cronies of pissant dictatorships voting in a democratic fashion for 60 years.
* If this is an emergency, please hang up and dial America.


  1. Frank, you make this into a T-shirt and I’ll buy it TODAY! I’m going on a trip to Germany and Prague later this year, and I’d absolutely love to show it off there! MWA-HAHAHA!

  2. Hard to beat Frank on this one….
    How about – The UN, for when you need a totally useless and corrupt band of thieves with ridiculously weird names to confuse the herds of idiots who pay taxes in your country into thinking that there is ‘someone in charge’ and ‘being a watchdog’ in all dimensions of human existence on the Earth so the dumb sumbitches can sleep at night.

  3. My favorites:
    * Having discussed at length almost every major crisis in the past 60 years.
    * You can’t spell “unethical” without U.N.
    * The U.N. – U.N.fair, U.N.balanced, U.N.medicated.
    But the best one is:
    * If this is an emergency, please hang up and dial America.

  4. A true slogan:
    The U.N.–we’re not a very effective roadblock or counterbalance to the U.S., but we try our best and, if you’re a tin horn dictator, we’re the only one you’ve got (please ignore the fact that Saddam bribed us with billions of dollars in oil vouchers and we still couldn’t save him when push came to shove).
    A more effective slogan (though untrue):
    The U.N.–we now hate the French too.

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