When Will People Learn?

Annika has the horrifying story of why man and monkey will never get along. When will people finally wake up and push all monkeys into the sea?


  1. what people should know is that chimps are omnivorous. adult chimps are known to aggressively patrol their territory in the wilds – a troop/group of chimps have been vidoe taped killing a trespassing chimp from another group. : ah, the joys of The Discovery Channel :
    adult chimps in the wild are known to hunt and eat small monkees, small animals and baby humans – although the program i watched alluded to the fact that the local human population was encrouching on chimp territory and destroying their traditional hunting and feeding grounds.

  2. “lthough the program i watched alluded to the fact that the local human population was encrouching on chimp territory and destroying their traditional hunting and feeding grounds.”
    That’s ok…hoomans are the perfect meal…no fur, no claw, just soft pink flesh…drool…almost as tasty as fried Ewok.

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