Fun Trivia

Who would win in a fight between a cowboy, a pirate, a ninja, a viking, and a samurai?

The box office. That movie would be totally sweet!

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  1. Arrr, Jeno, so ye made the scurvy dog walk the plank? Me hopes he finds Davy Jones locker to his likin’, the lubber. Not to worry lass, there’s more fish in the sea. There be plenty of pirates ready to come about, and strike their colors for such as lass as thee.

  2. Definetly the Viking. Nothing stops a good Berserker with a few kegs of mead in him.
    See, since the pirates and vikings would be in hordes on their ships, they’d be the last to the fight. (Why hordes? you ask. Have you ever heard of pirates and vikings working alone? I don’t think so.) So the landlubber loners go at it first.
    The Samurai is the first to snuff it. He’s not good at flipping around, so after an impressive display of sword twirling, the Cowboy plugs him with a .40 cal slug before being wiped out by the sneaky ninja.
    Meanwhile the pirates have unsucessfully tried to sink the vikings with connon fire (vikings sail much faster than pirate ships), so the vikings storm ashore and wipe out the ninja who finds that nunchuks don’t work well against the red furry fury of the north.
    The pirates also come ashore, but find that their cutlasses don’t fare too well against the sturdier steel of short swords and battleaxes.

  3. Actually, it’s also possible that the pirates would prefer recruiting the vikings (being of similar profession) get sauced on rum, and miss the beach completely, thus never finishing the fight.

  4. Thank you CT Yankee! Oddly enough, he’s from CT too. He’s also a coward. I posted a link to his blog & the other her’s blog (which is how I found out about it)on my own blog. Apparently it was too much to take, as both of them deleted their livejournals.

  5. The Viking would win early but would fold like a cheap suit when it really mattered…every time…hangs his head in shame and limps off into the sunset…(it’s been a long day for the little trooper)

  6. Cool! The little trooper just perked up! So who’s the baddest of the bad. Most of the guys they pick to star in movies these days (Vin Diesel, Antonio Banderas) are girley men. I need to think about who my guy is for the Viking…

  7. C’mon, guys: Aquaman would win. He’s gotten smart, and would wait until they’re all dead or so mauled they can’t fight before he showed up. Unfortunately, at that point, the filming would be over, so the world would never know anyway.

  8. Vikings stink, especially without Moss. And when was the last time the Cowboys did anything? Oh! You mean that fluke season 2 years ago? Nice.
    The only way football could get more interesting this year is for the Eagles to trade TO for Porter. Then we’d hit critical-ego-mass between Moss and Owens. Wouldn’t THAT be fun!?!
    What was I saying again?
    And since Porter is a good and surprisingly semi-normal receiver … the Eagles would in all likelihood make it back for the big game. But alas, it takes them 4 times to actually win a big game. I’ll be … well, having a mid-life crisis by then.

  9. Among other things,Ducky.
    But,I’m bettin’ that even Aquafella in drag,smells less like fish than my prom date did in ’91.
    It’s my own fault,though.That’s what I get for copying names and phone numbers off bathroom walls.That foul heathenous heifer used up all my coupons for KFC and Bojangles.

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