Return of the Aquaman

My adventures are numerous.Hello, Aquafans!
Been a long time no… sea. Ha ha!
Seriously, though, I’ve been reworking exactly what my role is here at IMAO. Frank J. was trying to convince me to be their foreign correspondent, but, for someone who is constantly being bathed, it’s hard for me to stand the smells of Europeans and such.
So, I’ve gone back to my roots: fighting villainy… villainy of the sea!
And now I do what all self-respecting superheroes do…

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Carnival Of Comedy Reminder and News

It’s almost Carnival of Comedy Time!
But that’s not the real news. The REAL News is that the two upcoming Carnivals of Comedy will have hosts whose name don’t rhyme with macebunky.
They rhyme with the following:
Can you guess their names? Sure you can.
That’s right, comedy fans, RightWingDuck will be drawn and quartered hosting this week. And Harvey will be hung by the neck until dead hosting the following week. So lets give the two new hosts a great big IMAO welcome.
Yay! Don’t forget to submit entries for this weeks carnival before the end of Wednesday. After that, you’ll just have to wait till the following carnival.
Sorry to be such a hardnose but, who am I kidding? I love enforcing rules, POWER!

In My World: Bush Blog Part III

Part I
Part II

“Pamphlets!” President Bush exclaimed.
“Yes, pamphlets,” Laura Bush responded, “Before blogging and even T.V. and radio, people got out their own opinions by pamphlets. You can hand out pamphlets saying blogging is a good thing to fight against that mean mainstream media.”
“Fine,” Bush groaned as he took some pamphlets and walked outside. Soon he saw a man walk by him so he handed one out saying, “Here, take this pamphlet and learn about how blogging is really a good thing.”
“Are you a blogger?” the man asked as he tepidly took the pamphlet.
“I do it as a hobby,” Bush answered, “My day job is president of a major country.”
“Which one?”
“The United States of America.”
The man’s eyes lit up. “I live in that country!”
“Then you’ve probably seen me before,” Bush replied cheerily, “on either T.V. or a ballot.”
“You do seem familiar.”
“Yep. I live in that house back there.” Bush pointed to the White House.
“I thought Bill Clinton lived there.”
“He used to,” Bush said angrily, “and you can’t believe the cleaning bill after he moved out. They really should make presidents pay a deposit when they move in. Anyway, have a great day.”
“You too. I’ll read this pamphlet, and you have good luck running the U.S.A.,” the man said before walking off.
“This is going well,” Bush said. He then saw Rumsfeld was nearby. “How are you doing handing our pamphlets, Rummy?”
“Fine,” Rumsfeld grumbled. He then forced a pamphlet into the hand of someone as he passed near. “Read this and make its opinion your own,” Rumsfeld shouted, “or I’ll murder you and your family! Rarr!”
“I don’t think you can get away with threatening to murder people all the time,” Bush told Rumsfeld.
“Says who?!” Rumsfeld demanded as he glowered at Bush threateningly.
“Not me!” Bush shrieked and went back to quietly handing out pamphlets.

“Due to a large pamphleteering campaign,” said the anchorman, “not authorized by us, your trusted mainstream media, citizens have gone back to believing that blogs are a good thing, despite polling telling them they don’t actually think that. In a stunning move, President Bush has given a full pardon to blogger Glenn Reynolds for his cross country shoot out with the police, a move supported by bloggers across the world but very unpopular to law students at the University of Tennessee. There have been some implications that quid pro quo was involved, as Bush received what is called an ‘Instalanche’ to his own blog, Dubya Explains It All, right after issuing the pardon. White House Press Secretary Scott McClellan denied these charges, but we remind viewers that he is tubby.”
The Newsweek editor turned off the T.V. in the dark media lair. “If people are listening to bloggers again, how are we going to viciously slander Bush and his administration?” he exclaimed.
“We’ll leave that to the Emperor of the Media,” said another media mogul.
“Is he coming here?”
“I already am,” answered an unearthly voice. The Newsweek editor turned to see a decrepit old man in a hooded cloak walking forward to take his seat at his throne. “We shall turn the bloggers to the dark side of pretended unbiased reporting. First, we shall start with the blogger known as Dubya.”
“How can we get to him?”
“He shall come to me,” the emperor answered, “This I have foreseen.”
“I sent him a coupon saying he could get a free steak dinner here. Muh ha ha ha!”

“My blog is really getting popular,” Bush said, “I have lots of readers listening to everything I say about how great a job I’m doing as president.”
“That’s great, dear,” Laura answered.
“I even got sent a coupon for a free steak dinner!”
“Be careful about that,” Laura warned, “You know how often the promise of a free steak dinner has been used to lead you into a trap.”
“Well, one of these days it has to not be a trap,” Bush asserted.
“Fine, but, if the place this coupon says to go for the steak dinner is a hollowed out volcano, you be extra careful. And make sure to take some Secret Service with you.”
“No, they’re always freaking me out with how they talk into their sleeves and stuff.” Bush then headed to his car and drove away from the White House. He followed the directions on the coupon until he came to a volcano just outside of D.C. “Hmm,” Bush thought to himself, “It is a volcano, but I can’t be sure it’s hollowed out until I go inside for my free steak dinner!”

The guards led Bush to the emperor. “He was armed only with this,” one guard said as he set a katana at the side of the emperor’s throne.
“I’ve been carrying one ever since I saw Matrix: Revolutions,” Bush said, “Morpheus is so cool! Now where is my free steak dinner?” He then noticed the Newsweek editor was standing next to the emperor. “Hey! You’re that guy who says I’m for flushing Korans down the toilet and lots of other slander that I don’t have the time or attention span to read!” He then looked to the emperor. “But who are you?”
The emperor motioned for the guards to leave. “I am the originator of all media bias. For all the papers and T.V. shows that turned their reporting against you, it was at my bidding.”
“I should murder you dead for that!” Bush exclaimed. He then looked at his katana that was in easy reach.
“Yessss,” the emperor hissed, “I am unarmed; take you weapon and strike me down like we in the media strike down whomever we please. Then your journey to the dark side of reporting will be complete.”
Bush thought for a moment. “I think that reverse psychology thing is having an effect, ’cause now I’m thinking maybe I shouldn’t strike you down.”
“How typical,” the emperor said, “I’d expect that from someone who went AWOL.”
“I never went AWOL!” Bush shouted as he grabbed his katana and swung the blade at the emperor. It was stopped by the Newsweek editor’s own sword. The two then began to fiercely battle as the emperor laughed.
“You are weak!” the Newsweek editor yelled, “And I’m going to have a cover story about it!”
“I’ll cut out your heart and flush it down the toilet!” Bush answered. Soon, Bush overpowered the Newsweek editor, knocking the sword from his hand. The editor lay on the ground, now at Bush’s mercy.
“Good!” the emperor shouted, “Finish him and take his place at my side, destroying anyone who has opinions contrary to ours!”
Bush was quiet for a moment. He then tossed away his sword and faced the emperor. “No. My job is to police the media, not to destroy it. For I am a blogger, like my blogfather before me.”
The emperor scowled. “So be it.” He then quickly snapped a picture of Bush. “Ha! Your mouth was open during that picture and you look like a fool! I’ll use it with a story claiming you were involved with illegal campaign fundraising!”
“You media people are crazy,” Bush stated, “If I’m not getting a free steak dinner, I’m going to go get myself a burger and fries.”

“So they tried to turn me to the dark side of reporting,” Bush said as he finished his fries, “but I resisted.”
“I’m very proud,” Laura responded, “Just for that, I’m going to make you brownies.”
As Laura left the Oval Office, Vice President Cheney entered. “The staff has been talking it over, and you have to stop blogging,” he told Bush, “We decided it’s too risky as you might post secret information since… you know… you’re an idiot.”
“I guess so,” Bush answered, “but at least I learned an important lesson from all this.”
Bush thought for a few seconds. “Okay, I didn’t learn anything. Anyhoo, I’m going to flip a coin to decide whether we attack Iran or North Korea next. You call it in the air, Dick.” Bush flipped a quarter.
Bush caught the coin. “It’s tails.” He was silent for moment. “Wait; what does that mean?”

Memorial Day in Memoriam and Announcements

Sorry not to have up a Memorial Day post. I’d just like to remind everyone who wants to help our troops out there, this is a great charity.
Got a special treat this morning – a call from my brother, Sgt. Joe Foo’ the Marine. He’s got some new mission where he’ll be out of contact for a couple weeks, but he says he really likes being out in Iraq. I told him not to enjoy it to much, because he needs to be back by my wedding date. Otherwise, I’m going to have to create and program a robotic best man for my wedding – and Lord knows it will most likely break down and try to kill everyone.
Nothing ruins a wedding like a murderous, robotic best man.
BTW, there have been some questions about where SarahK and I are registered, but right now that’s nowhere. Anyway, we need money more than anything else so we don’t start our new life horribly in debt. Thus, I may put my PayPal donation box back up for those who like both me and SarahK (or just one of us) and wants to give us a gift.
Finally, we’re already hard at work on the next podcast. Consider the first one like a T.V. pilot. We’re going to learn from that, adjust, and soon have a great podcast for you every week in addition to the quality humor posts you expect from IMAO.
Yes, while other blogs remain stagnant and stupid, IMAO is evolving. Change can be scary, but try not to be afraid as we can sense fear – and it makes us angry.

U of OR Scribe Screams: “Pay attention to me–I DON’T wanna kill the Prez!”

On a day that most real Americans have chosen to thoughtfully honor the soldiers who have given the people living in our great republic the freedom so many cherish, a leftist journalism student at an obscure university has abused her freedom with a column in her school’s paper listing her top ten reasons not to murder President Bush.
Awwww! Isn’t that just the cutest? I think someone didn’t have enough attention from mommy and daddy growing up…
(UPDATE: This post has offended some U of OR alumni and those who want to give this semi-woman a pass because she only fired a three-round burst at those darn Republicans rather than the full-auto spray most hate-filled lefties dole out. I’d suggest reading that so-called U of OR newspaper to see statements like “the John Ashcrofts and Osama bin Ladens of the world maintain that dancing, drinking and gambling represent horrible sins,” the reporters’ objective look at “gender identity,” and the one-sided coverage of a “debate” against military of funding for U of OR research projects. After that bit of research, come back to IMAO, download our podcast, and buy some shirts)

Continue reading ‘U of OR Scribe Screams: “Pay attention to me–I DON’T wanna kill the Prez!”’ »

New Blog Carnival Showcase #14

Unlike certain blogs which are mere fat-headed collections of B-list, pseudo-celeb, talentless hackery, IMAO actually cares about the struggling lesser-known lights of the blogosphere. And unlike certain puppy-blending blogospheric overlords who let incontinent cows do the bulk of their blogging, IMAO occasionally links someone besides Ann freakin’ Althouse.
To prove that this is so, IMAO is hosting this week’s edition of The New Blog Showcase Carnival – a round-up of self-submitted posts from bloggers who’ve been in the game for 3 months or less. So let’s welcome these new kids to our little corner of the ‘sphere by making fun of their raggedy clothing and funny accents… (continued in the extended entry)

Continue reading ‘New Blog Carnival Showcase #14’ »

Open Thread (Just like on KOS)

Topics for discussion:… Well that would sort of make it a closed thread now, wouldn’t it?

ignis fatuous


Podcast TalkBack

Comment on the podcast in this post, or send e-mails to the address mentioned in the podcast.

IMAO Podcast #1 5-28-05

  1. Frank: Introduction
  2. Our Sponsors
  3. Frank: Newsweek and the Koran down the toilet story
  4. SarahK reviews her gun, Mr. Shiny
  5. Spacemonkey asks Harvey for help writing an audio bit
  6. George & Laura Bush go to China
  7. Frank: the moon is the last men-only club
  8. Harvey: Fun Facts About Alabama
  9. Frank Discourse (Roundtable): Dictators in their underwear, Star Wars Episode III, and the Koran down the toilet story
  10. Frank: conclusion, listener email

Glenn Reynolds Interview: Overcoming Writer’s Block

(A Filthy Lie)
You ever have one of those days where you can’t think of a damn thing to write? Sure! We all do! Just look at IMAO on any given weekend.
But does it HAVE to be this way?
Glenn Reynolds posts at least 666 times a day, so I figured if anyone would know how to defeat writer’s block it would be Glenn. I arranged an interview with him recently where we discussed the subject. The transcript is in the extended entry.

Continue reading ‘Glenn Reynolds Interview: Overcoming Writer’s Block’ »

coming soon to a store near you . . .


Hey! That’s My Turf!

If you want more funny (how can you leave IMAO wanting more funny), LaShawn Barber has the advertisement for the new publicist Newsweek is looking for.

A Compromise by the 14 and 79 Cents Will Get You a Cup of Coffee

Great going you seven “maverick” Republicans who struck a deal on filibusters; already the Democrats are filibustering again. This time it’s on the man with the mustache, John Bolton, who the Democrats claim they “need more information on.” They already paraded out everyone who was emotionally scarred by Bolton putting his hands on his hips in an angry manner; what else do they need? Testimony that he didn’t refill the coffee pot after taking the last cup?
It’s time for Frist to show some real leadership. That means asking for a special meeting with the seven Republicans who compromised and having it secretly filmed. As soon as they are all locked in one room, Frist should yell, “You are failures!” and then take out a bow staff and pummel the whole lot of them. When they’re all writing on the ground, moaning in pain, Frist should tell them, “I lead the Senate! Disobey me again, and you shall not be so lucky again.”
That there’s leadership.
One surprising thing about the compromise was that Hagel wasn’t part of the seven Republicans. He’s taking a harder line, but I ain’t falling for it. As soon as he saw McCain on T.V., I’m sure he yelled, “But I wanted to be the one admit surrender to the Democrats!” Now he has to take a tougher line just to be different from Mr. Maverick himself. I’m sure the next time there is a conflict, Hagel will be capitulating to the Democrats so fast it will make our heads spin.
Does he really think there is a chance in hell of him being nominated in ’08, that Republicans will be so scattered and Democrat-dumb as to make him our lead man? If that actually happened, it might be enough to make me vote Democrat.
Unless, of course, Hagel is running against Hilary; then expect IMAO to promote Hagel like he’s the second coming of Christ.
Have a great weekend, y’all. Expect the Big New Thing™ from IMAO to appear any time now.

RWD’s News Round-Up

I’m RightWingDuck and I’m here to share the news.
I’ve been away for so long that I feel a bit nervous. But as my speech teacher used to say, “Whenever you feel nervous, it’s helpful to imagine Saddam Hussein in his underwear.”
In England, a newspaper published photographs of Saddam Hussein in his underwear, folding his clothing . Authorities have no idea who snapped the picture and are investigating. One thing for sure, it wasn’t taken on a Saturday. Saturday is thong day.
Good News for Saddam. He will be filing a lawsuit against the paper.
Bad news. The court date is set for three days after his execution.
I’d like to offer this observation about the Saddam picture: I always thought the word dictator was one word.
People always talked about the man’s meanstreak. Turns out it’ll come out with a little bit of Clorox bleach.
Ironically enough, it may be the last picture of Saddam that has him with clean underwear.
I don’t mind the picture of Saddam. But did they have to snap 50 pictures of him putting on body lotion? shiver::

Continue reading ‘RWD’s News Round-Up’ »