Links of the Day

John Hawkins has an interview with syndicated columnist Jack Kelly.
Straight from the war in Iraq, Ma Deuce Gunner has a very sad account of why it is good for our warriors to kill terrorists. Because terrorists suck.
Carnival of Cordite #16 is up over at Gullyborg’s place. And there’s a really cool t-shirt featured.
And for the ladies (and men who understand that it’s manly to cook), Carnival of the Recipes #42 is at Conservative Friends this week.

Carnival of Comedy Reminder- Now With Improved Graphic!

Don’t forget the Carnival of Comedy is coming up Thursday! Harvey is hosting this week while I’m at the beach with my family. Thanks Harvey! So, try not to send in a bunch of stinkers, everybody!
Thanks to RightWingDuck, last weeks Carnival of Comedy was a smashing success and the smashing was mostly around Duck’s head. So, thanks Ducky!
The observant among you will notice that cadet happy has dressed up Uncle Sam in some IMAO approved duds. MUUUCH more patriotic I think. Nice work cadet happy!
Want more info about the carnival? Go here.

Tens of Thousands Dead a Day

When I was invited to a blogger conference call about Live 8, I was a little surprised. I do not make much effort here to be taken seriously.
Skepticism came next, as the main goal of Live 8 is to end poverty in Africa, to which I was like, “Well, why don’t we create world peace while we’re at it?” I saw on the Live 8 website that all the rockers who love trendy causes were involved (including SarahK’s favorite, Dave Matthews), thus further increasing skepticism. Then I saw what was stated as the goals for Live 8, which is doubling aid, fully canceling debt, and delivering trade justice for Africa. I wasn’t so sure about the first two, and didn’t know what the last one meant (all I know is it made me further suspicious).
Still, I was invited by John Hinderaker of Power Line who was organizing this blog arm of Live 8 along with Joe Trippi, and I thought it was certainly worth a listen. It ends up that Bob Geldof, the organizer or Live 8, has a real plan for tackling poverty in Africa (real, in that it involved free trade and competition in parts of it) and hopes the blogosphere can use some of its influence in pushing towards the means needed for the end. The conference call should be up as a podcast a little later, and I’ll urge you all to listen to it. I hope to get you more information soon (that was my main suggestion during the conference call was to have a place to link to where things are explained as well as Sir Geldof explained them himself), and, perhaps, you’ll see more of the blogosphere talking about this.
There’s certainly no other continent more in need of help than Africa, and it’s nice to at least think we can do something for the people there.
UPDATE: Here’s more from John Hinderaker of Power Line.
UPDATE 2: Citizen Smash has a great roundup with links to reactions from other bloggers (I wasn’t sure who was in on the conference call since not everyone spoke).
BTW, only time I chuckled when being compared to a hippy.

In My World: Murderousness

“I hit the chandelier! That’s a homerun!” Bush exclaimed as he ran to touch the chairs that marked the bases.
“Tourists!” Alberto Gonzales yelled, and everyone quickly ran to the sides as a tour group walked by.
“Game on!” Bush shouted when the tourists had passed by.
“Yay! I’m at bat!” Scott McClellan smiled as he picked up the stick.
“It’s Scott,” Alberto said, “Everyone move in closer.”
Before Condi could pitch, Laura Bush walked by. “Are you playing stickball in the White House again?” she screamed.
“Uh… no,” Bush said meekly.
“Well, I see a stick and a ball,” Laura said as she collected them. “Now I better not see you do this again or I’ll ground you to the Oval Office.”
After Laura walked off, Cheney came running over. “Amnesty International compared our Guantanamo Bay facility to a gulag!” he yelled angrily.
“Rarr!” Rumsfeld shouted as he burst through the wall, “Death to those who slander us!”
“That’s crazy!” Bush exclaimed, “The Soviets never had the technology to accurately shock terrorist gonads like we can today. Plus, didn’t gulags involve forced labor? The only thing these terrorists know how to make is bombs, and we can make those better ourselves. We need to come out forcefully against Amnesty International on this.”
“I can hold a press conference on this and…” Scott started to say, but Rumsfeld grabbed him.
“Rarr!” Rumsfeld yelled as he threw Scott through a closed window, “Talking is for sissies! Murderous action is called for!”
“Well, you are my trusted adviser, Rummy,” Bush said, “Plus, I’m quite scared of you hurting me. Let’s go with your plan.”
“I’ll come,” Cheney declared, “Doctor said murderousness is good for my heart.”
“How about you, Mexican Attorney General?” Bush asked Alberto.
“I already get to stab and beat people enough in my current job,” he answered, “I’m going to take a siesta now.”
“Can I come?” Condi asked hopefully.
“No, you’re Secretary of State and a girl,” Bush replied, “Go do something diplomatic.” Bush, Rumsfeld, and Cheney then walked off, all shouting, “No amnesty for Amnesty International!”
“Aww,” Condi whined, “I never get to have any fun since I’ve become Secretary of State.”

“It’s been decided that Belgium serves the U.S. no useful purpose,” Condi told the Belgium ambassador, “Thus I’m free to beat you with this stapler.”
“Not a Swingline!”
Laura burst into the room. “Dr. Rice, have you seen my husband?”
Condi put the stapler back on the table as the ambassador fled. “He was headed to the Amnesty International headquarters.”
“Was there murder in his eyes?” Laura asked suspiciously.
“Pretty much.”
Laura shook her fist. “I told him no more murderousness! He’s going to get such a talking to when he gets home!”

“Political dissidents imprisoned and beaten in Cuba,” the head of Amnesty International read aloud. He then tossed the memo away. “Boring!”
“Forced abortions and people executed for their religion in China.” He tossed the memo. “Who cares?”
“Massive starvation and human rights abuse in North Korea.” The memo was tossed. “Yawn.”
He looked at the next memo. “And this is just more hooey about oppression in the Middle East.”
The head of Amnesty International then spotted a memo that interested him. “A Koran was kicked by a prison guard at Guantanamo Bay!” He rose from his seat. “Mobilize all our forces! We must get justice for this!”
“The President, Vice President, and Secretary of Defense are here to see you,” said the secretary over the intercom, “Oh, and there appears to be murder in their eyes.”
“Don’t let them in!”
The doors burst open, and there stood Bush, Cheney, and Rumsfeld. Two aides approached them, but Rumsfeld swatted them aside.
“If you do anything to me,” the head of Amnesty International shouted, “All major news outlets will hear of it!”
“That’s the plan!” Rumsfeld growled, “I want everyone to know of the suffering of those who slander us! Your entrails will dangle for all to see!”
Rumsfeld approached the man with hands ready to rip him apart, but Bush grabbed Rumsfeld by the shoulder to stop him. “Actually, I have a better idea than murder.”
“No murder!” Rumsfeld exclaimed, “Are you becoming a fruit on me?”
“No, this is a good idea,” Bush smiled.

“Where are we?” the head of Amnesty International asked his aides.
“You are in Siberia,” answered a Russian voice, “You now take hammers and break down those large rocks over there.”
“But we’re cold!”
“Then I beat you with club until you are warm! Now break rocks!”

When Bush arrived back at the White House, Laura was waiting with an angry glare. “We’re you involved in more murderousness?” she accused.
“No, I came up with a non-murdering idea to deal with Amnesty International,” Bush said proudly, “I remembered that Putin is evil and probably reopened the gulags. Thus, I had the people from Amnesty International shipped to Siberia. If they survive, they’ll have to admit that Gitmo isn’t as bad as a gulag.”
“That’s very clever of you,” Laura said, “I’m quite proud.”
“Then can you take my stick and ball off the top of the fridge and give them back?”

Remembering D-Day

My mother’s father, Leroy Rogers, was a teenager in 1944 when he and the rest of his squad of U.S. Army Rangers climbed up the cliffs of Point du Hoc on D-Day. I was close to 30 when I stood on those same cliffs almost 60 years later with my wife; unable to comprehend the guts it must’ve taken for my grandfather to scale these cliffs on that fateful day. He was a heckuva guy.
Everyone always says: “See Saving Private Ryan to see what it was like at D-Day” but I’m not thrilled about that version ever since I heard that Spielberg changed the original script from the Point du Hoc to a beach landing because he didn’t think crawling up a cliff while Nazis were shooting at you and tossing grenades on your head “wasn’t dramatic enough.”
Loser; and your remake of War of the Worlds is gonna suck.
If you want to know more about D-Day and the Rangers at Point du Hoc, see R. Lee Ermey’s D-Day Special today on Mail Call on The History Channel or buy the DVD. The Gunny does a great job in that episode of Mail Call and I’ve met the man and know he sincerely loves the U.S. and our Armed Forces.
Unlike Steven Spielberg…

2nd Podcast Feedback

Tell us what you think about the new podcast here, or send an e-mail to the address mentioned at the end of the podcast to hear your letter read on the air.

IMAO Podcast #2 6-6-05

  1. Frank: Introduction
  2. Our Sponsors
  3. Frank Topics: The Impending Theocracy
  4. American Monkey: Interview with guest Senator George Voinovich
  5. Frank introduces a new podcast sponsor
  6. Right Wing Duck with the news
  7. Frank Knowledge: Neutron Stars
  8. At home with George & Laura Bush
  9. Harvey: Fun Facts About Alaska
  10. Commentary from the Hate-Filled Lefty
  11. SarahK reviews Zoolander
  12. A Call From Tom DeLay
  13. Frank Discourse (Roundtable): Deep Throat revealed, FEC regulation of blogs, Amnesty International compares Gitmo to a gulag
  14. Frank: Conclusion, listener email