Music in the IMAO Podcast

I privately addressed the issue of why we don’t use “public domain” classical music in the IMAO Podcast with one of our listeners that gave us feedback, but I wanted to get everyone on the same page:
Many of you already know that most classical music works by the great composers like Beethoven are in the public domain and therefore do not cost any money for us to use in a non-profit or commercial production.
However, if we used the Fort Worth Symphony Orchestra’s rendition of Beethoven’s Fifth as the theme music to the IMAO Podcast, we would need to pay the performance fee (called a “royalty”) to the Fort Worth Symphony Orchestra for their performance of the song in the public domain.
Just because a song is in the public domain does NOT mean anyone can use it for free. The musicians should and must get their royalties for their contribution. All of the music we use in the IMAO Podcast is “royalty-free.”
Some sharp listeners will ask “Did you pay for ‘Relax’ by Frankie Goes To Hollywood that you used in last week’s podcast?” The answer is that by having Sarah sing only a tiny fraction of the original song (along with her own lyrics) and by not using the original recording, IMAO is not required to pay royalties under the Fair Use rules of copyright law. I’m sure there are probably some lawyers at BMI and ASCAP that would split hairs over what is Fair Use…
There’s a 99% chance that we’ll have new theme music for the June 13 IMAO Podcast, written and performed by a good conservative musician and blogger. More details when they become available.
Thanks for downloading and listening to the IMAO Podcast!

I Guess He Needs a Better Call Screener

Called into The Rush Limbaugh Show and am waiting to go on right now to talk about Bob Geldof…
UPDATE: I guess that was it; well, there I was on Rush’s show. Anyway, the audio from the conference call with Bob Gledof is now available, so I recommend checking it out (you get to hear me there too, and not quite as nervous because I had no idea who Geldof was).
UPDATE2: Anyone know how I can get a recording of that for posterity’s sake? Someone wouldn’t happen to be a Rush 24/7 subscriber and get the podcast, huh?
UPDATE3: Have the call as an mp3 thanks to Master Shake. Will see about making it available for the curious.

Open Thread (Just Like on Kos!)

What are the issues and news items you think we here at IMAO should be covering? We strive to be your one shop stop for all important… the WalMart of the blogododecahedron.

“I Want to Thank All You Goobers for Voting Democratic!”

Since Howard Dean seems so intent on making statements to alienate everyone from the Democrat Party, I thought I’d be my usual helpful self and give him some new statements to help specifically insult everyone and everything:
Stay at Home Moms
“Then there are the few women who vote Republican, pretending that staying home to take care of kids is noble just because they’re too dumb to get real jobs.”
Gun Owners and Blacks
“The reason Republicans support the NRA is because they desire to be nothing more than gun toting thugs – no offense to the African-American members of the audience who I know only carrry guns because of the harsh reality of gang life.”
“The Republicans try to pander to you people with immigrations laws, but we Democrats give you what you really want – burritos and chimichangas. You eato. You el likey very mucho.”
“I just want to tell the people of West Virginia not to be threatened by gay marriage. It will open the way to you being able to marry your sisters like you so desire.”
Italians and Union Workers
“I can see we have some Italians in the audience. I applaud you for how you use unorthodox methods to keep the unions together, and I know union workers support the mafia and all its activities in return.”
The College Educated and Homosexuals
“The Republicans think they are so great, prancing around with their college degrees like a bunch of fags.”
“The Republicans are out of touch and out of the mainstream like those freak platypuses that lay eggs when everyone else is having live births.”
“They [the Republicans] try to say we’re wishy-washy, but they’re the ones always changing positions. It’s like how a tadpole breathes through gills and then, suddenly, it’s a frog breathing through its lungs. Make up your mind, you reject of the animal kingdom!”
Noble Gases
“Republicans just won’t work with anyone; they’re like how Argon won’t chemically combine with anything else. Can that be anymore useless?”
“Those Republicans just can’t get anything right! They mess things up more because they just don’t really care! It’s like whoever made the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter equal 3.14 something. If He just put more time into it, it could equal exactly three, but He didn’t care!”
Rational People

Pearls Before Swine

This is funny. A poster on DU starts talking sense about the idiocy of Dean, and everyone else freaks out.
Sometimes I really wonder who are these people that make up DU and how representative they are of the Democratic base. They keep running as fast as they can into brick walls, telling themselves how great their strategy is. If this is the competition for 2006, expect the Democrats to be extinct by 2008.
We need to stuff one for the Smithsonian Museum of Natural History.

Carnival of Comedy #7

Ever since I was a tiny Blogspotling, I’ve quested for the secret of blogospheric domination. Having studied Instapundit – the unquestioned overlord of the blogiverse since time immemorial – I think I have discovered that secret:

Minimal commentary
Judicious application of trendy buzzwords, such as “Hmmm”, “Heh”, and “Indeed”.

Brevity. Hmmm.
[NOTE – posts which include words or images that might make sensitive people feel squirmy will be marked with an “S”]

Two Dogs – Mean Ol’ MeanyMean Ol’ Meany’s Relationship Help-Line
Blacksploitacious. Indeed.
Senator Walters – The Stall Street JournalLately Fashionable.
Superannuated. Heh.
NOTR – ROFASixCessna Attack on DC – A Cessna Pilot’s Perspective
Avionic. Heh.
Charles Jordan – [blogless] – Original Jokes:

They say that being dominated by a woman is one of a terrorist’s worst fears. I say if it’s good enough for John Kerry, it’s good enough for a terrorist!
I saw the pictures of the male Iraqi prisoners naked and stacked in a human pyramid. I suppose that’s called abuse in Baghdad but in San Francisco that’s called a successful party!
I saw on the news that Ted Kennedy was upset because he was inadvertantly put on the Homeland Security “No Fly” list. Homeland Security corrected the error by putting him on the “No Drive” list.
Having John McCain in the Republican party is like having a bisexual roommate. You never know who he’s going to be in bed with.
I’m tired of hearing about the terrorist prisoners in Iraq humiliated by being made to wear women’s underwear. Hell, most of the democrats in congress wear women’s underwear and they’re not humiliated!
Conservative women are always more appealing than liberal women. Liberal women can be picked up on any street corner.

Unlinkable. Hmmm.
The Evil Emperor Mindstation – Point FivePoint Five Exclusive: Zarqawi Get Well Card Intercepted
Capraphilia. Heh.
Patriot Xeno – Right Hand of GodRHOG Votes No to EU Constitution
Plebiscitary. Heh.
Hatless in Hattiesburg – Hatless in HattiesburgTest
Toned. Hmmm.
GC – Big and El cielo ha caido! (The heavens have fallen!)
Precipitated. Indeed.
Ironman – Political CalculationsA Memo From Management
Catbertesque. Heh.
Chuck – From My Position… On The Way!Top 5 dumb things I did this week
Educable. Heh.
Sen Marcellus – The WalloperThe Virgin Mary
Fenestrated. Indeed.
Citizen Grim – Right Hand of GodFrench Soldier’s Survival Kit
Capitulards! Heh.
Michael Higgins – Chocolate and Gold CoinsSelf-Help Guru Advises Us to Ignore the Experts
Antinomial. Hmmm.
El Capitan – Baboon PiratesThe Great Cat Treat Challenge
Indigestable. Heh.
Jason Pomerantz – Fiddle and BurnThe Laptop
Unillustrated. Hmmm.
Don – Zap*GermsNot Making This Up: CDC Investigates an “Outbreak of Obesity” – in West Virginia
Megatumescent. Hmmm.
Buckley F. Williams – The Nose On Your FaceTop 9 Suggested Ann Coulter Book Titles
Pseudobibliophilic. Heh.
David – Third World CountyGolly, another one-a those WoW “Huh?” words
Acculturation. Heh.
Jim McCarthy – Letters From CaliforniaLetter from California-June 5, 2005
Ignominiously. Indeed.
Odiwan – Irritation StationGoing to the Movies
Incommodious. Heh.
Elyas – AblogistanAdventures of Acinom #4: Barbershops and Purple Hearts
Depilatory. Heh.
Nickie Goomba – Nickie GoombaU.S. Describes Even More Cases Of Koran Mishandling
Impiety. Indeed.
a4g – Point FiveInmates Await Michael Jackson Verdict
Deliverance“. Heh.
Tommy – Striving For AverageSwimming: If you are going to go
Aquaman? Hmmm.
GEBIV – There’s One, Only!Yeee Haw!
Interplanetary. Heh.
Mad House Madman – Chronicles of a Medical Mad HouseRecommendations
Vulnerary. Hmmm.
Simon P. Chappell – Upright and BreathingFunny thread on the Struts mailing list
SuperUberHypergeekdom. Hmmm.
Adam – Government CheeseHow Do You Think Mark Felt?
Deeper. Indeed.
Chuck – You Big Mouth, You!Norman Mailer
Cirrhosisisms. Heh.
Pluto’s Dad – Eye On The Ball NewsMcCain Compromise: Wilford Brimley to Replace Bolton
Fungible. Indeed.
Kim Chong-il – Beloved LeaderKorean Word of the Week 05.06.01
Gwiyopda. Indeed.
Hans Mast – The (not so) Daily MeGreat Parody Site!
Misrepresentational. Hmmm.
Ellison – Blog d’EllisonACCUMULATION
Avaricious. Heh.
Senator Walters – The Stall Street JournalShaving Face
Hirsute. Heh.
JimmyB – The Conservative UAW GuyIt’s like the A-List, but different. The Gay-List!!
Multiloquent. Indeed.
Ferdinand T. Cat – Conservative CatCSI Schaumburg – Teaser for Episode 36, “It Takes a Village”
Veracious. Heh.
Will Franklin – WILLismsTrivia Tidbit Of The Day: Part 69.
Bluestockings. Hmmm.
Lana – Live From the GuillotineThe Book Meme
Bubbleheadisms. Heh.
Dana – Northshore PoliticsI wonder how you would fix ’em?
Huevos. Indeed.
Kim – Ramble StripTom Cruise is still nuts, I may be starting to panic, and Discoman is trademarked throughout in an attempt to be funny by overusing the TM symbol
Eclectic. Hmmm.
Doc Rampage – Doc Rampagedeep sigh
Ennui. Indeed.
Chad Hamilton – PlaidBerryTop Ten Excuses For John Kerry’s Bad Grades
Flop. Heh.

If you spot a typo or a broken permalink, pipe up in the comments.
And if you want to catch up with past editions, see the Carnival of Comedy page.