Listen to the IMAO Podcast and Win Free Stuff!

Since Frank barely mentioned the fact that you can WIN FREE IMAO GEAR just by listening to the June 13th IMAO Podcast, I want to mention it on the blog and clear up some podcast misconceptions:
1) You don’t need an iPod to listen to a podcast
2) The IMAO Podcasts are MP3s that can play on any portable MP3 player
3) Click on to listen to the podcast on your PC or Mac right now
If you want to win the free IMAO gear, you’ll have to listen to the IMAO Podcast…

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Who’s nuttier? Tom Cruise or H.G. Wells?

As we endure America’s top action figure Tom Cruise’s very public Scientology-fueled PR meltdown, let’s not forget that he’s supposed to be promoting his new movie.
Li’l Tommy’s new movie is the second cinematic remake of H.G. Wells’ War of the Worlds (unless you count Independence Day which is virtually the same idea). The remake is a major re-write of the original source novel so that Hollywood could pair Cruise with a leading lady that was shorter than he is…
Enough of the short jokes about Li’l Tommy; what’s astounding to me is learning that Li’l Tommy’s public behavior in 2005 is nothing compared to H.G. Wells’ awful behavior in 1905. What’s even worse is the fact that I had to learn this fact from a Canadian newspaper.

Fun Trivia

If Gitmo is closed down, where will all those terrorists go?

Continue reading ‘Fun Trivia’ »

In My World: Democrat Destruction? Bush to the Rescue!

“Whatcha doing, Rummy?” President Bush asked.
“I’m writing a list of foreign leaders in the order I want them… uh… what’s that word we use? Oh yeah… ‘regime changed.’ What’s wrong about the word ‘assassinate’ anyway?”
“It’s got that ‘ass’ in there and thus just doesn’t appeal to people with family values,” Bush answered. He then noticed the news playing on a T.V. nearby.
“Howard Dean’s recent comments comparing anyone who ever thought of voting Republican to a pedophile have been called divisive by some,” said the anchorman, “but Dean’s supporters – now in the dozens if you don’t include those committed to insane asylums – say he’s just given the Democrats the strong voice they need.”
“It’s like Howard Dean is part of some insidious plot to destroy the Democratic Party,” Bush mused. “Hey, Rover, you’re insidious; is this your plot?”
The hooded figure of Karl Rove emerged from the shadows. “I wish I could take credit for such terrible destruction of the enemy, but I had no involvement with this.”
“Then it must be someone else insidious!” Bush declared, “I know – Hilary Clinton!”
“That would make no sense,” Rove answered, “She needs the Democratic party for her evil, power-grabbing plans.”
“Then who else could be behind this?”
“The internet was responsible for a lot of Howard Dean’s popularity, and…”
“The internet!” Bush shouted, “I knew it! It’s responsible for all the evil in the world. Now I need to get to the bottom of this Dean conspiracy!”
“Actually, the best strategy when your enemy is destroying itself is to stand back,” Rove cautioned.
“But if the Democrats completely destroy themselves,” Bush replied, “then it will be a one-party system… just like with the Communists. Then I’ll be just like Chairman Mao… but I don’t want to be Chairman Bush! I like being President Bush.”
“I don’t believe you’re thinking rationally,” Rove said.
“Not thinking rationally is what I do best!” Bush declared. “It’s time I save the Democrats. You coming along, Rummy?”
“I’m busy, Moron,” Donald Rumsfeld replied as he decided where to fit the French names on his list.
“Fine. I’ll just drag along Scott as usual. He never has anything to do.”

“I always have things to do,” Scott McClellan whined, “I have to explain to the press why the idiotic things you do are not idiotic.”
“And I got a great replacement for you.”

“A magic eight ball?” exclaimed one of the reporters.
“I have the first question,” said another as he picked up the black orb and shook it, “Will Bush agree to closing down Abu Grahib?” He turned the eight ball over and looked at the answer. “No.”
“Now me,” said yet another reporter as he grabbed the ball. “Will Bush still push for private accounts for Social Security?” He looked at the answer. “‘Reply hazy, try again.” The reported chucked the eight ball. “Stupid, slippery politicians!”

“If we’re going to fit in with angry liberals, we should have brought Rumsfeld’s angry dog,” Bush said. “They’d like him.”
“He always bites me,” Scott complained.
Bush laughed. “Yeah, that’s funny.”
“And why do you always get the porn star mustache disguise?”
“Be happy Alberto Gonzales lent you a poncho and sombrero to go with your Mexican mustache,” Bush answered, “Now work on your accent while I work on my porn star attitude. We have to completely infiltrate these crazy lefties.”
They worked their way into the crowed. “I hate working and like smelling bad,” Bush said, introducing himself to one of the crazed liberals.
“Quiet!” he shot back, “Dean is about to speak.”
Howard Dean walked out onto the stage, and there was a hushed awe among the crowd. Dean then started pounding the podium like a madman while screaming, “Rergerraw! Cerblergargh! Dean smash! Ragawerghaergh!”
“He says what we think!” squealed a liberal.
“I just want to say that back in the eighties, I voted for Reagan,” yelled out one man, “but now I’m back with the Democrats and glad we can have someone who can speak with such energy!”
“He voted for a Republican!” Dean screamed, his face growing red with anger, “We don’t want his kind here! Rip him apart! Kill! Kill!”
The other liberals descended on the one man, and blood began to splatter everywhere.
“We better be extra careful at not revealing ourselves, senor,” Scott said with great worry.
“Horsefeathers!” Bush exclaimed, “We need to find who is behind Dean!”
“Can’t you just accept the fact that he’s a loon supported by other loons?” Scott pleaded.
“I never accept facts!” Bush declared. He then pulled off his porn star mustache and faced Dean. “It is I, President Bush, and I demand to know who pulls your strings!”
Dean flailed his hands in the air in rage. “Republican President! Kill! Kill!”
The liberals surrounded Bush and Scott, murder in their eyes. “Looks like we’re going to be killed by crazed liberals, amigo,” Scott said, “Not the obituary I wanted.”
“We’re progressives!” one shouted, becoming even more blood-thirsty.
Suddenly, a number of liberals were thrown out of the way. There in their midst now stood Chomps.
“Rumsfeld’s dog has come to save us!” Scott exclaimed, “He’ll… OW! GET HIM OFF MY LEG!”
“Hah! That’s funny!” Bush laughed.
Howard Dean jumped down into the crowd and roared in anger. Chomps then faced him and growled the growl of The Guinness Book of World Record‘s angriest dog. Then they clashed.
“It’s our time to escape!” Bush said as he ran away.
“Wait for me!” Scott cried, limping.
“Each man for himself!” Bush answered.
“But I have the car keys!”
Bush ran back and put his arm around Scott to help him. He then quickly slipped the keys out of Scott’s pocket and ran off again, causing Scott to fall to the ground. “Each man for himself!”
“No pay is worth this,” Scott grumbled.

Rumsfeld sat in his easy chair and worked on his list of foreign leaders. “So many foreigners who should not breathe our air,” Rumsfeld growled.
Chomps came through the dog door and yawned an angry yawn.
“Tired out from kill’n, huh?” Rumsfeld asked.
Chomps curled up and went into an angry sleep.
“Might as well get some rest,” Rumsfeld said, putting down his list. “Always more to destroy tomorrow.”

And the Flag Wasn’t There

My elderly neighbors across the street have a corner lot, and they’ve made good use of it by putting up a flagpole there. The Stars and Stripes are up every morning and down by nightfall. This morning the flag wasn’t up. Instead, there was an ambulance in the driveway and men entering the home with a defibrillator. I knew there wasn’t anything for me to do, but I just couldn’t head to work until I saw if they were all right. Eventually, the paramedics came out with the husband on a stretcher, and he was sitting up and looking alert, thank God.
Well, Sarah and I will check on the wife after work, but, if you have some time, I’d appreciate if you gave them some prayers. I’ve talked to them so many times (first time was me walking over to thank the husband for having the flag there and we talked a long time about the military and such), but I’ve forgotten their names, I’m afraid. Just pray for Frank’s neighbors with the flagpole, and I’m sure God will know who you mean.
UPDATE: My neighbor is already back home and seems to be all right. Thanks for all the prayers.

Comment on Podcast 3

Comment here on the new podcast (or e-mail comments and questions in for the new contest). We really need your feedback to keep tuning the podcast until we get it extra-super perfect.
Don’t forget to vote for IMAO if you love our podcast (which you will).
If your interested in the blogger phone conference with Bob Geldof, you can find the audio of it here (which includes many and my stunning questions and suggestions near the end of the hour).

IMAO Podcast #3 6-13-05

  1. Introduction & sponsors (No gags in this week’s intro, so it was kinda dull. Skip to the 2 minute mark if you get bored.)
  2. “World of Knowledge” w/ host Frank J: How to box a chimpanzee
  3. Harvey: Fun Facts about Arizona Part 1
  4. Right Wing Duck with the Border Report
  5. Harvey: Fun Facts about Arizona Part 2
  6. SarahK reviews the entire Firefly series
  7. Right Wing Duck’s One Minute of Funny: John Kerry
  8. New Sponsor: Lakeside Psychiatry
  9. Spacemonkey & Right Wing Duck get paid by Frank
  10. Frank J & SarahK do some wedding planning
  11. Frank Discourse (Roundtable): the panel dissects Frank J’s phone call to the Rush Limbaugh show (Bob Geldoff, Live Aid, Dave Matthews, and Frank’s failure to pimp the blog)
  12. Frank: Conclusion, listener email