Don’t Forget Carnival of Heh-fulness!

Don’t forget the next Carnival of Comedy is coming up Thursday! Spacemonkey(I) is(am) hosting this week. Hey! You actually were forgetting about the carnival weren’t you? Don’t try to deny it. I can sense these things. Oh yes, it’s true.
Oh yeah, I think I’m going to treat this weeks entries like a Bonfire. Because no matter how good they are they can’t measure up to IMAO level funnyousity. Well, pre-group-blog IMAO anyway. And I can snark. I can be snarky, a snarky monkey.
And a big thanks to Harvey!
While I was at the beach last week getting my neck re-redded, you did a fine job on the carnival. Why, your insta-inspired Carnival of Comedy#7 with punchy, brief descriptions (some were one word or less!) impressed his blenderness into linking to it for the… what? He didn’t link? Oh well, you did a fine job, anyway Harvey.
I read the whole thing.
Want more info about the carnival? Go here.

Getting The Word Out!

A silly dressed man is out spreading the Democratic message ala Governer-Doctor-Loser Howard Dean. I know you’re probably thinking he’s spreading, um, something smelly, but no it’s not any sort of animal leavings.
Click the link if you like, but please, do yourself a favor and check your volume before you click this here link.
ht: My Vast Right Wing Conspiracy.

Continue reading ‘Getting The Word Out!’ »

Sometimes The Jokes Just Write Themselves

From the AP wires:
“‘Food Force’ [a new online game funded by the United Nations) puts gamers in command of a crack team from the World Food Program out to help the people of the fictitious island of Sheylan.”
Fictitious countries are the only places a corrupt and worthless organization such as the U.N. would be effective in, wouldn’t they?
Post your quips in Comments

Fun Trivia

If Gitmo is closed down, how many limbs has Rumsfeld vowed to rip off of the first reporter he sees?

Continue reading ‘Fun Trivia’ »

Know Thy Enemy: Amnesty International

Amnesty International has been pestering the greatest country in the universe – America – for some time, so I sent my crack research staff to find out what they can about that strange organization.

Continue reading ‘Know Thy Enemy: Amnesty International’ »

Take a Look at Yourself in the Mirror

I guess I should say something about Michael Jackson – and when I say “I guess,” that means I could be wrong. I haven’t followed all the details as it certainly wasn’t my favorite news subject, but it’s pretty clear that Jackson is cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs. Whether is predlicition for kids is pedophilia of just plain weirdness, I dunno, but it’s pretty clear someone didn’t smack some sense into him when it could have done some good. I guess the only thing to hope for now is that the people around Michael Jackson will tell him to his face he’s a wacko and better change his ways – but I doubt it.
The biggest tragedy here is that this guy is a father. Do those kids even have a chance?
Well, vent in the comments if you feel the need. I’ll come up with some funny later today.
UPDATE: Liked a Leno joke I heard today: “The good news is that Michael Jackson was found not guilty on all counts.” (mixture of cheers and boos from the audience) “The bad news is he’s going to Disney World.”

Happy Blogiversary, Michelle

Meant to link to this yesterday, but, anyway, Michelle Malkin celebrates one year as a blogger and does a quick year in review. There’s a reason she shot up through the ranks so quick, and I’ll certainly enjoy reading her blog over this next year.
That reminds me that IMAO turns three in less than a month; I’ll have to think of something special…