When You’re Right, You’re Right

Here’s something maybe a few honorable ronin can help me with. My uncle, Bruce Lefavi, works as a financial consultant. In addition to his business, he has written a book (may write another) and has a syndicated radio show. Until now, though, he hasn’t focused much on his website (other than putting his mutual fund picks and a bio on it). He wants to change that, and especially promote that he’s now 22 for 22 on financial predicitons over the years (with two new ones pending). I said I’d help him (doesn’t the Bible say, “Help thy rich uncles.”?), but I don’t know much about the internet in the area of financial investing. Any investors out there who know what to most popular sites are (especially ones with bboards)? He’s hoping for more of a viral advertising campaign.
Anyone who helps me and my uncle will be rewarded with… uh… much good feelings.

The IMAO Podcast Insensitive and Offensive?

There’s talk that some people will find some of the language in this week’s IMAO Podcast insensitive and offensive. Certain minority segments of the population are supposedly being mocked in the June 27 IMAO Podcast, but it’s nothing worse than what Mel Brooks did 30 years ago.
If anything, the IMAO Podcast aims to equally offend everyone until the Supreme Court rules our podcast unconstitutional.
Have you listened to it yet? If you have tell me if you think any of it is offensive. If you haven’t listened to the IMAO Podcast, why? It is free to download and we’re giving away t-shirts just for listening…

Supreme Pain in the…

What is it with the Supreme Court? They’ve been trouble ever since Marbury v. Madison where Chief Justice John Marshall ruled in 1801 quote: “We, the most Supreme Court of this land and any land hence forth discovered, have infinite power over all things, and shall never be questioned. NEVER!”
Now the court has made a few more wacky decisions, making our about three page Constitution even more meaningless. It’s time that the Supreme Court had a few more check and balances, I say.
My proposal is to add a “Men with Bats” division to the Executive Branch. Then, if the President doesn’t like a Supreme Court’s decision, he can send his Men with Bats to see if they can change the Court’s mind. The idea here is, if the Supreme Court makes an unpopular decision based on real principles, they should be willing to take a trashing for it.
Of course, there will be checks against the Men with Bats. Any beating of the Supreme Court judges can be stopped with a two-thirds super majority vote in Congress. Also, the President has the voters to answer to, who may become upset if he orders the beating of the Supreme Court judges too much (or too little).
I defy anyone to find any flaws in my new idea.

Fun Trivia

Ted Kennedy recently told Donald Rumsfeld he should resign. What did Rumsfeld respond with?

Continue reading ‘Fun Trivia’ »

Would It Be Wrong?

*** Warning, The following post contains hardly any political references and little to no, actual humor***
Would it be wrong for me to claim IMAO.US on blogshares?
Reasons I think it would be ok.
* Because I can. It’s not my fault Frank J. entrusted me with the keys to the kingdom, well to post anyway. I am an opportunist from day one.
*It has been Listed on BlogShares since Mar 13, 2003. In blog years that’s like forever. What’s he waiting on? A Democrat controlled congress?
*The owner awarded bog-shares are worth over 2 million Blogshare Dollars. Which is some pretty tempting bait. With that kind of fake money, I could really buy some awesome, well… other… fake… blogshare… type… stuff.
*It’s not real money so it wouldn’t really be stealing for me to make a claim since Frank J seems to have no real interest in the fake stockmarket for fake blogshares?
*Because I did. This post was just a way to get the logo for my claim put on the front page of the blog long enough for my claim stake to be, ah, staked. Buwuahahaha.
Feedback would be appreciated it, even if I actually don’t heed it or pay any mind to it. In fact, I may actually mock you.

Ditto Cam Frank

White Fang saw my call to Rush Limbaugh on the Ditto Cam and sent this description:

He was at first a little surprised when you mentioned podcasting and seemed somewhat intrigued in my opinion.
When you starting talking about your perceptions of Geldof, he appeared slightly uninterested, not paying complete attention.
By the time he said “These rock stars can fool us….people of considerable depth” he looked to me very much like he was kidding (and even poking fun at you to some degree).
After you continued speaking following the “depth” line, he appeared uninterested and mockingly clutched his heart.
When he went to commercial break he laughed, shook his head somewhat and slapped himself in the face, then going on with something else.

Was Rush Limbaugh taking me as a fool? Then he made himself a powerful enemy!
BTW, anyone know how White Fang could record that video so I could sees it?

Time to Test Our Right-Wing Power

The Frank man is back, and I just finished reading the comments to my proposal to demand an apology from a random Democrat Senator. Unfortunately, the Democrats seems to have stole my idea in demanding and apology from Karl Rove. Still, I think my scheme has a better chance of success. I still need a good target and statement, though.
Commenter Patel suggested that we go after a Senator who is vulnerable in 2006 and listed Sarbanes (MD), Conrad (ND), or Byrd (WV). Byrd is too obvious, so I say Sarbanes or Conrad. I think a statement about the war would be best to misconstrue and get all angry about. I don’t have the time to do all the footwork here, so, if people put quote from Sarbanes and Conrad in the comments, we can settle on one and get this test of the Right-Wing Noise Machine started.

The Fifth Podcast Forum

Comment here on the new podcast (and don’t forget to send short comments and questions to the e-mail in the podcast to get a chance to win a t-shirt; it’s the only Frank Answers™ around now).
Plus, make sure to vote so we gain power in the podcast community.

IMAO Podcast #5 6-27-05

  1. Pre-introduction: How the IMAO Podcast is Made
  2. Introduction & sponsors
  3. The Story of Frank J.
  4. New reality show: Spin
  5. SarahK introduces herself
  6. Harvey: Fun Facts about California Part 1
  7. Frank J: PSA
  8. Harvey: Fun Facts about California Part 2
  9. All About Right Wing Duck
  10. Spacemonkey’s hosts American Monkey: The Farm Report
  11. SarahK reviews her trip to the Kennedy Space Center
  12. Spacemonkey’s bio
  13. “World of Knowledge” w/ host Frank J: Chemistry
  14. Everything you need to know about Kevin (aka CadetHappy)
  15. SarahK: Follow-up to Frank’s PSA
  16. Who is Harvey?
  17. Laurence Simon’s Crappy Bedtime Stories: Hansel & Gretel
  18. All about Scott (as told by the rest of the gang)
  19. Frank Discourse (Roundtable): Should Karl Rove apologize?
  20. Frank: Conclusion, listener email

caught on hidden camera!

sarahk in frankj’s shower — must be 18 to view

Continue reading ‘caught on hidden camera!’ »