Frank’s 3rd Blogiversary – How to Celebrate.

Frank has been blogging now for 3 years as of today.
So of course you are thinking, “Where’s my free ice cream?” CUT IT OUT!
You selfish free ice cream demanders need to stop, and step back for moment and think of Frank for a change. Think about his needs, desires and quest for world domination.
To paraphrase, John Kennedy, the Democrat responsible for U.S. involvement in Viet Nam,

Ask not what Frank can do for you.
Ask what you can do for Frank.

The answer is manyfold, varied and yes sundry. Actually that’s not the answer more of a description of the answer.
The real answer is of course to do things to help expand Frank’s reach, popularity, power and ultimately his pocketbook.

  • Email 5 dozen someones you know, sending them a link to his blog with appropriate effusive praise.
  • Email everyone you know and 20 people you don’t know a link to his podcast site also with similarly appropriate effusive praise.
  • Give him money outright. A simple, direct approach, much like Frank himself. He’d appreciate that.

  • Buy an IMAO t-shirt, sure it’s more selfish on your part than the donation but helps accomplish many of Frank’s goals.
  • Pay attention to his his advertisers, do I really have to spell it out? C-l-i-c-k T-h-e-m.

Happy Blogiver$ary, Bo$$
Update: And you can vote for the podcast on Podcast Alley.


  1. Fools! Free ice cream can be had by all on Frank J. Day!
    First, in the spirit of conservativism, you must mug a liberal (preferably a journalist or a university professor, they have money).
    Any gun will do, it’s like a magic wand to those wusses. Also remember to wear a “‘Stache Bolton” mask and put your hands on your hips, as its always fun to see a liberal cry.
    Whatever you do, do not ask for the money from a bleeding-heart liberal, you have to demand it. This is because they wouldn’t give a penny of their own money to a starving man, but are total cowards.
    Step two, go to the ice cream shop and eat up. Should you get arrested, your insanity plea will be unbeatable.

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